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Today in the Mission Yearbook

Minute for Mission: Theological Education/Seminary Sunday

Debrecen Reformed Theological University

Debrecen Reformed Theological University

September 18, 2016

Do you call today’s Gospel reading (Luke 16:1–13) the parable of the Dishonest Steward, the Shrewd Manager, or something else? Either way, in the end, this servant pleases the master in the story with his more abundant view of the economy and in spite of unjust accounting to gain friends and shelter. We could call the servant a shrewd investor in eternal homes.

In 1538 Reformed Christians in Debrecen, Hungary, founded Debrecen Reformed Theological University (DRHE, in Hungarian). They knew then, and now, that the best investment in the future of Christ’s church is theological education. For almost five centuries, DRHE has prepared church and civic leaders, teachers, and thinkers to serve God and the world.

Earlier this summer I visited Debrecen, where my family lived in 2010, and DRHE, where my spouse, Elizabeth Hinson-Hasty, taught theology. The recently fully renovated school is now outfitted with technology-enhanced classrooms to teach a new generation of seminarians. Its mission “in the service of the Reformed Church of Hungary” is not unlike the mission of our Presbyterian seminaries that serve the PC(USA) and other denominations.

Seminarians being prepared now in our theological schools will preach, teach, and serve as spiritual mentors in our congregations and ministries for decades to come. Our investment as Presbyterians in our Presbyterian seminaries— something we can do in one annual gift to the Theological Education Fund—ensures the future of Christ’s thinking, feeling, and doing church. What will you or your congregation give this year? People of faith next year and in the centuries to come will give thanks for our shrewd investment with eternal impact.

Resources to order or download are available here to celebrate seminaries in your church:

Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty, Senior Director, Theological Funds Development, Presbyterian Foundation
Today’s Focus: Theological Education/Seminary Sunday

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Lindy Ebbs, PMA
Anna Edlin, FDN        

Let us pray

Thank you, God, for the pastors, educators, and mission leaders our Presbyterian seminaries have prepared for centuries. May we use the gifts entrusted to our care today as shrewd and wise investments in the future that God imagines. In the hope, promise, and new life we know in Christ Jesus we pray. Amen.

Daily Lectionary

Morning Psalms 67; 150
First Reading Esther 3:1-4:3
Second Reading James 1:19-27
Gospel Reading Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18
Evening Psalms 46; 93