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Disaster Response

Presbytery of Sacramento keeps watch on Oroville Dam

A week’s worth of heavy rains has northern California residents on edge. Forecasters warn as much as 10 inches of rain could be recorded by the end of the day this Wednesday as flood warnings remain in effect.

New Orleans East begins recovery from last week’s tornadoes

A week after an EF2 tornado tore a path through parts of New Orleans, disaster officials and volunteers are still trying to determine the extent of damage. The National Weather Service confirmed that 12 tornadoes struck seven states on February 7.

Iglesias presbiterianas tienen esperanza en los esfuerzos por acoger y dar la bienvenida a los refugiados

Mientras que la Casa Blanca y los tribunales luchan por la legalidad del veto de refugiados y viajeros de siete países, las iglesias presbiterianas alrededor de los Estados Unidos todavía esperan una solución rápida. La orden ejecutiva que prohíbe a los refugiados y viajeros de países predominantemente musulmanes ha generado una fuerte reacción en ambos lados del asunto.

Presbyterian churches hold out hope in efforts to host and welcome refugees

While the White House and the courts battle over the legality of the travel ban on refugees and travelers from seven countries, Presbyterian churches across the U.S. are still hopeful for a quick resolution. The executive order banning refugees and travelers from the predominantly Muslim countries has drawn strong reaction on both sides of the issue.

US House votes down anti-corruption measure

A decision by the U.S. House of Representatives to roll back a signature bi-partisan anti-corruption law has Presbyterians and other ecumenical groups concerned about the impact on poverty-stricken countries. Under the anti-corruption rule known as “Section 1504,” or the “Cardin-Lugar Anti-Corruption Provision,” oil and mining companies would be required to publish the payments they make to governments around the world.

Líderes religiosos se declaran en contra de las órdenes ejecutivas del Presidente Trump sobre inmigrantes y refugiados

Un grupo de líderes religiosos cristianos, judíos y musulmanes se unieron el miércoles por la tarde para expresar su oposición a las órdenes ejecutivas del Presidente Trump sobre inmigrantes y refugiados. El nuevo presidente emitió las órdenes de detener la inmigración aumentando la seguridad fronteriza y restringiendo la aceptación de refugiados de otros países como Siria, Sudán, Somalia, Irak, Irán, Libia y Yemen.

Faith leaders speak out against President Trump’s executive orders on immigrants and refugees

A group of Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders joined together on Wednesday afternoon to express opposition to President Trump’s executive orders on immigration and refugees. The new president issued the orders to curb immigration by increasing border security and curtailing the acceptance of refugees from other countries such as Syria, Sudan, Somalia, Iraq, Iran, Libya and Yemen.

Southern states begin clean up following weekend of tornadoes

Residents along the deep south and Gulf Coast have begun to dig out from the damage left behind following an outbreak of tornadoes over the weekend. From January 21 through the 23, as many as 29 tornadoes swept across six states, leaving as many as 20 people dead, hundreds of homes and businesses destroyed and scattered power outages through out.

Fort Worth Presbyterian church vandalized

In an apparent random act of violence, the education wing of St. Stephen Presbyterian Church in Fort Worth, Texas was extensively vandalized last Saturday evening. Officials believe the vandals gained entry to the building by breaking windows around 8:00pm and then continued their rampage until 4:20am Sunday when a church steward arrived and startled them away.

Presbyterian churches near Fort Lauderdale offer pastoral support following airport shootings

Presbyterian churches located within a few miles of the Fort Lauderdale – Hollywood International Airport are still trying to wrap their minds around last Friday’s shootings that left five people dead and several injured. The suspect, Esteban Santiago, 26, appeared before a federal magistrate judge on Monday and could possibly face the death penalty.