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Disaster Response

The heart of Haiti beats strong following Hurricane Matthew

Through the eyes and ears of her friends on the scene, Cindy Corell shares about Hurricane Matthew’s unwelcome assault upon Haiti and the resolve of the amazingly resilient people she’s been sent to serve. At the time of this posting, Hurricane Matthew had reportedly killed at least 25 people, most in Haiti.

PC(USA) delegation visits church partners in Philippines

Between October 15 and November 8, 2013, the Philippines received a one-two punch of natural disasters. A 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck the island of Bohol and then weeks later Typhoon Haiyan makes landfall on the islands of Samar and Leyte. By the time it was over, more than 6,000 people were killed and millions were left homeless.

Church urges Obama administration to increase U.S. resettlement of refugees

Joining more than 100 faith-based communities and other national, state and local organizations, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) signed a letter urging President Obama to demonstrate global leadership by making bold new commitments to refugee protection, assistance and solutions. The letter was sent to the President on August 29 in advance of the Leaders Summit on Refugees, to be held September 20 in New York City.

Fire destroys Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia

For more than a century, the Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church stood tall in the city’s Overbrook neighborhood. Now only the charred outer walls of the building remain after fire raged through the church early Monday morning.

Presbyterian Mission Agency Board to direct offering to General Assembly initiative

The executive committee of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted August 25 to direct designatable funds from its fall board meeting’s Peace & Global Witness offering to the “On Taking Specific Action to Address the Worsening Plight of the African American Male” initiative.

Residents and aid groups say Gulf flooding has been overwhelming

Cleanup continues in the aftermath of devastating flooding in the Gulf Region, two weeks ago. Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA) is on the ground providing assistance to the Presbytery of South Louisiana, working together with local and national partners, to meet immediate and long terms needs.