Today in the Mission Yearbook

A mission for today: one simple act of kindness

October 15, 2016

What does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?—Micah 6:8

Steve Willis lives with his family in Bedford, Virginia, in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He is often found doing interim ministry with mountain and valley churches and also hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Steve Willis lives with his family in Bedford, Virginia, in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He is often found doing interim ministry with mountain and valley churches and also hiking the Appalachian Trail.

While driving up the gravel road to Ginny’s house, I noticed a young man in the well house, intently working away. Ginny was an aging widow who had lived and raised her children on a family farm. Her children now had children of their own and were spread across different cities. After visiting awhile on the porch, I asked Ginny about the young man. It turned out that Randall was a mountain neighbor still living at home and dealing with some level of autism.

Later I greeted him and he returned my greeting even as he continued working on the well pump. I asked him what he was doing, and he replied that he was “making it right.” I said, “What, you mean the pump?” Randall responded, “Everything.”

I still do not know what Randall had in mind with his response, but it does make me wonder just how much can be made right through one simple action of helping a neighbor.

Today, what one simple action of kindness might you do to make the world right for a neighbor?

Rev. Steven Willis, Interim Pastor, Collierstown Presbyterian Church, Lexington, Virginia

Originally published in Path of Peace reflections in conjunction with the 2016 Peace & Global Witness Offering

Today’s Focus: Shenandoah Presbytery

Let us join in prayer for:

Presbytery Staff

Roy Martin, Transitional Presbyter
Kerry Foster, Stated Clerk
Kim Stroupe, Administrative Assistant
Heather Carter, Funds Administrator
Donna Lanaghan, Communications Administrator

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Vicente Guna, OGA
Lisa Guzzardo, BOP

Let us pray

God of justice, set the world aright with your loving-kindness. Help me to be a part. Amen.

Daily Lectionary

Morning Psalms 56; 149
First Reading Hosea 14:1-9
Second Reading Acts 28:17-31
Gospel Reading Luke 9:37-50
Evening Psalms 118; 111