Grant enables presbyteries to offer ‘a new thing’
May 20, 2016
“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?” (Isaiah 43:19)
Ah, the ever-compelling “new thing”—the focus of a robust grant opportunity in the Synod of the Trinity.
The New Initiative Grant for Presbyteries provides resources for presbytery projects that reach for new and risk-taking ministry dreams that join with God’s “new thing.” Through this partnership, leaders test and refine ministry for the good and learning of all:
The Beacon Church in Philadelphia connects with its community, providing artistic and educational fellowship for young children in a consistent, loving environment.
Pittsburgh Presbytery’s Crestfield Camp and Conference Center is exploring an intentional young adult community where they are challenged to discover gifts, practice missional living and engage in vocational discernment.
West Virginia Presbytery invited pastors to facilitated gatherings for training and discussion around such topics as leadership styles, communication and conflict, and decision-making, in group settings.
Northumberland, Huntington and Carlisle Presbyteries’ Camp Krislund developed traveling summer day camps, reaching beyond the hosting congregations and planting seeds for youth ministry.
Rev. Susan Faye Wonderland, Synod Transitional Executive
Let us join in prayer for:
Synod Staff
Rev. Susan Faye Wonderland, Transitional Executive
Rev. Dr. Wayne Yost, Stated Clerk
Chantal Atnip, Treasurer
Catherine Gray, Administrative Assistant
Gwenn Egresitz, Administrative Assistant, Bookkeeper
Mike Givler, Communications Coordinator
Presbyterian Mission Agency Board Members and Corresponding Member:
Lindsay Harren-Lewis, Member
Kears Pollock, Member
Frank C. Spencer, Corresponding Member
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Mary Serovy, FDN
Kristen Shaw, BOP
Ellen Sherby, PMA
Let us pray
Wondrous Creator God, we pray for the whole church as our faith leads us in old and new directions for engaging work in your world! The Synod of the Trinity is grateful to be a part of this ministry. Amen.