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Today in the Mission Yearbook

Minute for Mission: Presbyterian Association of Musicians

ChoirSinging (2)

August 7, 2016

The Presbyterian Association of Musicians (PAM) shaped and enabled my current vocation as a church musician. I have enjoyed multiple careers. My first career was as a school music teacher. My second career was as an actuary. While that career was intellectually and monetarily rewarding, it was not my true vocational calling.

Sixteen years ago, I began attending the Montreat Worship and Music Conference each summer with my local church choir. Every time that I attended the PAM-sponsored conference, I felt rejuvenated and felt the Spirit’s call to devote my skills and God-given talents to the church. I left my actuarial job and began serving as a church musician.

I have enjoyed a fulfilling vocation as a church musician for 12 years and counting. My skills and creative energies are enhanced by attending the PAM summer conferences, professional gatherings, and regional gatherings. PAM has enabled me to serve members of my congregation, helping them to sing God’s glory each week in worship. I joyfully serve PAM on its executive board in gratitude for enabling me to hear and follow my true vocational calling, with the hope that others may also benefit from PAM’s mission to “educate, enrich, and engage its membership in humanity’s chief end: to glorify and enjoy God forever.”

Anne McNair, President-Elect, Presbyterian Association of Musicians Director of Music, First Presbyterian Church, Savannah, Georgia
Today’s Focus:  Presbyterian Association of Musicians

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Margaret Boone, PMA
Karen Bosc, PMA

Let us pray

Creative and creating God, thank you for the gift of music and for the opportunity to lift our voices in song. Thank you for those you have called to lead your people in musical worship and praise. May our music always be pleasing to you. Amen.

Daily Lectionary

First Reading Hosea 1:2-10
Psalm 85:1-13
Second Reading Colossians 2:6-15 (16-19)
Gospel Luke 11:1-13