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office of public witness

Raising their voices against gun violence

The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was among thousands of people who attended the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., last weekend to persuade elected officials to take meaningful action to stop the gun violence that’s ravaging the nation.

Conditions in Cuba decried during advocacy workshop

Conditions in Cuba and the effects of U.S. sanctions on the island nation were highlighted during a panel discussion moderated by Catherine Gordon of the Presbyterian Office of Public Witness as part of Ecumenical Advocacy Days.

Interested in advocacy? These events are for you

While stories such as the war in Ukraine, structural racism, systemic poverty, the plight of refugees from around the world, and the increasing impacts of climate change make headlines, people of faith are advocating for scripturally-based positions on those issues and many more.