A recent Matthew 25 webinar provided inspiration and information about using effective strategies for eradicating systemic poverty, including banding together to build power.
Near the end of a recent Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) webinar, Tracie Campbell made an impassioned plea for people of faith to “do something” to curtail gun violence in this country.
Before the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins took to the stage at Schaller Memorial Chapel to deliver the final convocation for Synod School this year, the Rev. Dr. Matt Sauer of Manitowoc (Wisconsin) Cooperative Ministry, as he’d done all week, donned a red zip-up cardigan just like another Presbyterian, Fred Rogers, used to. It was Sauer’s duty to remind those attending the 69th annual gathering that not all the world is like the Synod of Lakes and Prairies’ Synod School, which concluded on the campus of Buena Vista University.
Special guests have been announced for an advocacy and activism conference kicking off Oct. 20 at the Presbyterian Center in Louisville, Kentucky, to empower young adults to make their voices heard on important issues.
The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, the PC(USA)’s advocacy director, recently told the Synod School gathered at Buena Vista University what Presbyterians believe.
The PC(USA)’s Office of Public Witness issued an Action Alert Tuesday encouraging Presbyterians to, among other things, urge their U.S. Senators and House of Representatives member to quickly reauthorize the five-year Farm Bill, which expires in 2023 and provides Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program and other anti-hunger initiatives to millions of residents as well as support to the nation’s two million farmers.
On Monday, the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, the PC(USA)’s advocacy director, told the Synod School gathered at Buena Vista University what Presbyterians believe.
Ukraine is now using cluster munitions to strengthen its counteroffensive against Russia after being supplied with the weapons by the United States in a decision that concerned many because of the risk of more civilian casualties.
For many Americans, the Fourth of July is important as it helps to define our national identity. For Presbyterians, Independence Day holds a special place in our collective consciousness.
At SACReD, the Spiritual Alliance of Communities for Reproductive Dignity, which the Rev. Angela Tyler-Williams serves as co-director for movement building, religious leaders, organizers, academics and congregations work together to advance the cause of reproductive justice.