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compassion peace & justice

Raising their voices against gun violence

The Rev. Jimmie Hawkins of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was among thousands of people who attended the March for Our Lives rally in Washington, D.C., last weekend to persuade elected officials to take meaningful action to stop the gun violence that’s ravaging the nation.

New Mexico grapples with destructive wildfires

The Presbytery of Santa Fe and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance are keeping a close watch on destructive wildfires in New Mexico and lamenting losses to communities.

An engaging approach

A half-hour Facebook Live broadcast highlighting Mission Responsibility Through Investment served to both look back at how socially-responsible corporate engagement efforts are helping to reduce climate change and look ahead at what’s in store during the 225th General Assembly.

Thou shalt not steal

Thanks to the pandemic, tens of thousands of worship services are now posted online each week. For at least some stressed preachers who may be pressed for time, the temptation can be overwhelming to hear a well-crafted online sermon somewhere and pass all or part of it off as one’s own.

In too many ways, we Christians ‘look more like the world today than the world looks like us’

Dr. Barbara Williams-Skinner regularly prays for and with congressional leaders from both political parties and sends daily Scripture passages to many lawmakers. The co-founder and CEO of the Skinner Leadership Institute delivered the first plenary talk Monday during Ecumenical Advocacy Days, an online event that concludes Wednesday and includes attendees and leaders from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Creative approaches to addressing hunger and homelessness applauded

During a virtual meeting on Thursday, the Presbyterian Hunger Program Advisory Committee heard about a variety of approaches that are being used by faith communities to address poverty and homelessness, from taking a group bike ride to paying off medical debt.