Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Eco-Justice Journey

Opportunities and information for education, advocacy, and action to accompany you on your own justice journey.

UNICEF Report: The climate crisis is a child rights crisis

World Map In 1989, virtually every country in the world agreed children have rights to a clean environment to live in, clean air to breathe, water to drink and food to eat. Children also have rights to learn, relax and play. But with their lack of action on climate change, world leaders are failing this promise. The… Read more »

Blessed Tomorrow Climate Ambassador Training

As you may know, Americans are growing more concerned about climate change. As they witness and experience impacts to their health, livelihoods, and communities, they are increasingly looking for guidance on solutions from leaders in their daily lives, including faith leaders. That is why the Presbyterian Hunger Program is partnering with Blessed Tomorrow to provide… Read more »

Equal Exchange: Living Out Matthew 25

As part of the Matthew 25 commitment, congregations and presbyteries pledge to embrace one or more of these three areas of focus: Building congregational vitality by deepening and energizing our faith and growing as joyful leaders and disciples actively engaged with our community as we share the gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed…. Read more »

Returning To Where Everything Started

Chainlink fence with prayer ribbons As people of faith concerned about the climate crisis, there are two origin stories that may guide and concern us as we ponder how we ought to live in the world today. One is the Genesis story, which establishes our faith in the God of Creation, and our particular role in nature. Another, is the… Read more »

Being Salmon, Being Human

Book Cover A COP26 Virtual Performance The virtual Green Zone at COP26 is offering the opportunity to see the acclaimed storytelling and yoik (musical tradition of the indigenous people of Norway) performance “Being Salmon, Being Human” is inspired by Dr. Martin Lee Mueller’s award-winning book by the same name. The performance takes us on a journey through… Read more »

COP26: Consumer Impacts and Climate Change

Plastic Fast Facts Graphic As consumers it’s important that we see the connection between our choices and their impact on the environment. Consumers are responsible for 60-70% of all direct and indirect emissions. While It is important to keep in mind that this impact varies, depending on income level (research suggests there is at least a 10-fold difference in… Read more »

Cop26: Gender Justice Critical for Climate Action

Worship Leaders Procession Tuesday’s  COP26 theme turns the attention toward gender. Topics today will address not only the ways in which women, girls and marginalized people are disproportionately impacted by climate change, but also the importance of their leadership and participation in driving solutions. By working collaboratively, governments, civil society, and businesses can advance gender equality in climate… Read more »

COP26 Daily Theme: Impacts of Extreme Weather

Man holding carbon sign As the second week of negotiations at COP26 begins, the theme for the day turns to the impact of extreme weather, environmental degradation and rising sea levels and what is being done – and can be done – to adapt. Research indicates that climate change could push over 100 million people into poverty by 2030…. Read more »

Cop26: Friday Update

Marchers at Cop26 gathering A week into the two-week meeting, pledges to phase out coal power, ease access for developing countries to climate financing and cut methane emissions have made headlines as the negotiations continue. Today, Friday, was “youth and public empowerment” day at COP26, with events designed to reach across generations and other lines. This youth audience was… Read more »