Posts Tagged: ecumenical

WCC general secretary: “We have to speak up for justice”

Group Photo In a sermon during an ecumenical service at COP28, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay set the tone for faith-based involvement: churches must speak and act for climate justice. “There are many crying out to be heard, to be considered, to be cared for and loved,” said Pillay. “Yet we continue… Read more »

Ecumenical Resources Help Care for Creation

We have often heard the saying that to be Presbyterian is to be ecumenical. That means, we don’t separate our particular understanding of being Christian and worshipping and practicing church polity in our own tradition as being something that excludes us from celebrating and doing ministry with other Christian denominations and communions. Our ecumenical partners,… Read more »

Ecumenical Statement on Flint

Creation Justice Ministries, our ecumenical roundtable of denominations working for care of God’s creation–formerly the National Council of Churches’ Eco-Justice Program, helped us pull together a statement in response to the Flint crisis. The issues surrounding the Flint situation are complex, multi-faceted, serious, and urgent. We continue to compile resources as we’re able and to… Read more »

Sept 1 World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation

Designated by Orthodox communities through Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios in 1989, recently instituted as “World Day of Prayer for Care of Creation” by Pope Francis, and even more recently by the World Council of Churches, we are encouraged to set aside September 1 as a day to pray for all God’s people and whole creation.  … Read more »

Sharing Interfaith Prayer as We Care for God’s Earth

At the March 9th “Ground for Hope” interfaith environmental gathering in Louisville, KY, leaders of local faith communities created and led a beautiful shared prayer time. With each person speaking from his/her authentic place of faith, we heard and shared the ways we believe, look to holy scripture, hear the Divine voice, and embrace our… Read more »

How Is Your Lent So Far?

So far for me this Lent, I am finding it a spiritual practice in and of itself to learn of, and pay attention to, all the many wonderful Lenten resources out there this year. It seems to be a growing movement to connect our inward spiritual disciplines to the broader world that God created and… Read more »

Preach-In resources available for Feb 14

Valentine’s Day Preach-In on Climate Change   Over one thousand congregations and 350,000 people of faith are expected to participate in Interfaith Power & Light’s National Preach-In on Climate Change this Valentine’s Day weekend. The theme of the 2014 Preach-In is “Doing our Part”, and congregations all over the country will be doing their part… Read more »

Celebrating the Presbyterian Church in Morristown’s dual certification with GreenFaith and PCUSA Earth Care Congregations!

In 2013, five of our 124 PCUSA Earth Care Congregations are dually certified for their eco-justice ministry through interfaith organization GreenFaith. One of the newly enrolled congregations is the Presbyterian Church in Morristown. This New Jersey congregation will incorporate environmentally friendly building renovations in its major capital campaign as well as to use the GreenFaith… Read more »

Hope and Community

I really enjoy and appreciate these thoughtful weekly reflections from Rev. Peter Sawtell of Eco-Justice Ministries out of Colorado. Today he writes of “Hope and Community” and I want to share this reflection with you, as well as recommend his good work if you haven’t come across it before. A blessed weekend to you all!