Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Eco-Justice Journey

Opportunities and information for education, advocacy, and action to accompany you on your own justice journey.

PHP’s 2020 Impact Report

PHP embraces the PC(USA) vision of Matthew 25 that encourages us to see Christ in those who are hungry, thirsty, imprisoned and oppressed and to engage our work to “alleviate hunger and eliminate its causes” as a central way to live out our calling. Through speaking and teaching, supporting grant partners, producing educational and worship… Read more »

Matthew 25 and the Presbyterian Hunger Program

Matthew 25 Poster The PC(USA) has committed itself to a vision of Matthew 25 — eradicating systemic poverty, dismantling structural racism and building congregational vitality. In the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP), we are excited about this vision because we have long worked to: 1. Alleviate and eliminate poverty and hunger 2. Redistribute resources for all people as we… Read more »

God’s Green (and Brown) Revolution

by Jenny Holmes (reposted from Presbyterians for Earth Care blog, link below) “The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all.” —Wendell Berry Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”… Read more »

Good Friday Reflection: A Face in The Crowd

Not at the foot but near enough the cross I stand, close enough to say I am. One foot in, one foot away. I take my place as witness on this hill called Golgatha, the place of the skull. Not a full five days ago, I stood in another crowd, hearing the Hosanna echo off… Read more »

PHP and Growing Hope Globally Grow Impact

The Presbyterian Church (USA)—through the Presbyterian Hunger Program and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance as well as local congregations—has had a decades-long partnership with Growing Hope Globally, an organization that connects U.S. farmers, churches and communities to subsistence farmers around the world in order to help address hunger. The Presbyterian Hunger Program is at work around the world and specifically has been… Read more »

On the Brink of Extinction: The Vaquita’s Lament

Poem written by Beverly R Hampton Harvey Browne Presbyterian Church Louisville, KY March 7, 2021 Background: A small porpoise named the vaquita was declared the most endangered marine mammal in the world in 2006. Vaquitas have long been in decline as they have been caught in nets intended for another fish called the Totaba whose… Read more »

Eco-Palms: Creativity and Caring for Creation in Trying Times

I recently learned a new word that I thought was appropriate for the year we have all just navigated together: Tohubohu toh-hoo-BOH-hoo a state of chaos; utter confusion. If ever a year was appropriate to be deemed tohubohu it was 2020. It is hard to believe after all that has happened, that it could even… Read more »

2021 Resources for Lent

Tread Lightly for Lent The Presbyterian Hunger Program strives to walk with people in moving towards sustainable choices that restore and protect all of God’s children and creation. However, some of our collective choices have led to a changing global climate, which translates to warmer temperatures, rising sea-levels, and severe storms, just to name a… Read more »

Honoring the Life and Witness of Rev. Dr. Robert Stivers

Many Presbyterians who have devoted decades to caring for God’s creation and environmental justice and ethics know that Rev. Dr. Robert Stivers (known to many as Bob) was a key figure in our PC(USA) environmental policies and witness. Presbyterians News Services just released this obituary, provided by Rev. William Somplatsky-Jarman. Content pasted below:   Noted… Read more »