Posts Tagged: earth care

Climate Ambassador Training in Spanish! Entrenamiento Virtual Gratuito: Cómo Liderar en el Cambio Climático y la Fe

Register here for this great opportunity to take this training in Spanish: Code is “tierra” Entrenamiento Virtual Gratuito: Cómo Liderar en el Cambio Climático y la Fe ¿Sabías que más del 70% de las personas en los Estados Unidos dicen que están preocupadas por el cambio climático, y un 42% dicen que están muy preocupadas? pero… Read more »

Celebrating the Season of Creation

Bees gather on a yellow flower In the Presbyterian church (and many other denominations) we celebrate the “Season of Creation” that starts on September 1, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation and ends on October 4, the Feast Day of St. Francis. It is a time set aside for us to reflect on and celebrate God’s creation. We… Read more »

Sustainable Living and Earth Care issue of PHP Post

Check out this most recent issue of the PHP Post. It is all about Sustainable Living and Earth Care concerns. This issue includes a center poster that outlines the work of this part of Presbyterian Hunger Program.   Click here to download your copy of the Post, or the poster by itself.  

Poetic Reflection- Waiting for Angels

Waiting for Angels The secret of waiting is the faith that the seed has been planted, that something has begun.                               –Henri Nouwen Too old to have another child, I sometimes think of Sarah. If angels visit to proclaim astonishing news, I’m determined not to laugh.   At 4:30 a.m. we scan for November Leonid showers…. Read more »

Blessing the Butterflies

This content, including photographs except as noted, was contributed by Fawn Palmer of Churchville Presbyterian Church, an Earth Care Congregation in Maryland. Butterflies are God’s confetti, thrown upon the Earth in celebration of…love.    –K. D’Angelo A  crowd of 50 recently gathered at our church’s Fall Heritage/Family Festival. We tagged six, wild-caught  Monarchs at the Pollinators… Read more »

“Earth Care Day Camp” at Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church

Colonial Heights Presbyterian Church in Portland, OR last year helped to organize and host an “Earth Care Day Camp.” The team provided for transportation, a nutritious snack and lunch every day for the campers, and introduced the 16 youth and 9 children to themes of water, trees, watershed management, food gardens, pollinators, wildlife habitat, wildlife…. Read more »

Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Caring for all God’s Earth

Presbyterians across the country are entering this Holy Week journey mindful of Christ’s walk and aware of our connections with God’s whole creation. In this evocative time, how do we listen to and with the earth? How do palm branches, the stones on the path, the groaning of creation participate with us in this time… Read more »

New Curriculum from Northwest Earth Institute

The Northwest Earth Institute (NWEI) has announced its new discussion course book, Seeing Systems: Peace, Justice and Sustainability, available for pre-order now.   Seeing Systems empowers participants to recognize and respond to the interconnected systems of the world, making effective community action both real and achievable. Designed for use in the classroom and with community… Read more »