Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Eco-Justice Journey

Opportunities and information for education, advocacy, and action to accompany you on your own justice journey.

Social Creed for the 21st Century

In 2008 the General Assembly approved the Social Creed for the 21st Century. This social creed updates the 1908 “Social Creed of the Churches” with new areas pertinent to our lives today. The new Social Creed affirms the need for…

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New Hymn for CROP Walk Season

Carolyn Gillette has written a new hymn for blessing participants in CROP walks. Read the Presbyterian News Service article about this and other of Gillette’s hymns, or visit the Church World Service website to view the hymn and more information…

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West Virginia

Last weekend I traveled to West Virginia to attend Turning Over a New Leaf: a Faith Community Green Event, which was hosted by the West Virginia Council of Churches and the West Virginia Presbytery. This event was an invigorating day…

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National Climate Call In

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program will continue its series of calls on climate issues and legislation on October 21 at Noon Eastern time. The call in number is 866-939-8416 and the access code is 7420302. Please let Tyler…

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Blessing of the Animals

Parroquia San José, a Presbyterian and LutheranLatino Ministry in Beloit, Wisconsin held a service to bless animals on Sunday, October 4. The service was held to celebrate St. Francis Day and show that God cares for all life – including…

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