Posts Categorized: Climate Justice

Relentless Advocacy for Environmental Justice

Living in The Sacrifice Zone This news comes from Climate Justice Alliance, a Presbyterian Hunger Program grant partner. A historic environmental justice (EJ) bill out of New Jersey, more than 10 years in the making, was signed into law this past year, thanks to the organizing work of CJA member Ironbound Community Corporation (ICC) and… Read more »

To End Hunger We Must Address Root Causes

Fighting hunger is at the heart of our Presbyterian understanding of mission. Jesus fed the hungry and told his disciples to do the same. Yet, we know that hunger is an extremely complex phenomenon with economic, political and social causes. 51 years ago, when the Hunger Program begin, our founding mothers and fathers realized that… Read more »

The GREEN Good News

kids and adults with flowers in a worship service Book review by Rebecca Barnes | T. Wilson Dickinson has published an excellent book that will be of great importance to the church at large and the ecumenical movement for economic and environmental justice. It will be invigorating to individuals and congregations. As a professor at Lexington Theological Seminary in Kentucky and as a writer,… Read more »

How to Cool the Planet?

Urban Tilth photo Agroecology is One Answer! By Andrew Kang Bartlett In a world where giant corporations largely shape our food choices and perpetuate a form of agriculture which depends on fossil fuels, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and workers making poverty wages, family farmers and eaters alike are eager to shift towards a more equitable and eco-friendly food-farm… Read more »

A Green New Deal for Food and Farming

photo of author By Ahna Kruzic, Communications Director of Pesticides Action Network North America Original post Globally, today’s food and agriculture systems are responsible for more climate change-contributing emissions than the world’s cars, trucks, planes, and trains combined. At the same time, we’re confronted with evidence that climate change is wreaking havoc on agricultural production—and unraveling systems of… Read more »

Faith and your dinner plate

globe and web with climate justice or climate chaos printed on it Food choices help mitigate climate change Originally published in the Presbyterians Today March/April 2019 edition Choosing a protein for a meal is no easy task. Can you afford it? Is it good for you? If you have kids, will they eat it? Then there are the less common and more challenging questions: Was the earth… Read more »

National Ag Week: Focus on Climate

We’re winding down National Ag Week with this post on Agriculture and Climate. IATP provides a brief summary and some great resources below.  And speaking of resources, you can download our Food and the Climate Crisis poster/placemat right here. Stay tuned for the launch of PHP’s Climate Challenge this summer! From the Institute for Agriculture… Read more »

Climate Justice Alliance Pushing for a Just Green New Deal

Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), a grantee partner of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, has the ear of Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez. CJA members support the Green New Deal, but they continue to push for language and legislation that aims for zero emissions, not just a net-zero. Net-zero goals allows high-emission polluters to continue polluting and to rely on… Read more »

Puerto Rico, Climate Change & Food

Overview In December, I participated in a delegation comprised of staff from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance (PDA), Presbyterian Self-Development of People (SDOP), and Special Offerings, and we invited local pastors and mid-council staff to join us for the visits to Fideicomiso de la Tierra, a decimated family farm in Lares, and Presbyterian Camp Guacio over the course of… Read more »

Results of the global climate summit

maldives island sinking Take-aways from COP24 The nations of the world agreed on many of the tricky parts of the Paris Agreement ‘rulebook’, including how governments will measure, report on and verify their emissions-cutting efforts. This provides standards and makes it harder for countries to wriggle out of their commitments. What wasn’t hammered out was how countries will step up… Read more »