Posts Tagged: climate

Chicken better than beef? Not so fast

chicken on rooftop wind vane You care about God’s Creation and you’ve heard how much beef production adds to climate change. So you’re looking for alternatives, like chicken. I often make that choice too, but while the climate impact may be less, there is more to know about the environmental affects of slaughtering 9.3 billion chickens annually in the U.S…. Read more »

PHP Post – Summer 2024

Finding Hope, Inspiration and Healing By Rebecca Barnes, coordinator for PHP I don’t know about you, but this year so far, I’m having to constantly lean on faith that God is with us and that God’s beloved community is being created even in the midst of horrors. All around, violence, war, infuriating political maneuvering, climate… Read more »

Tree Fund Grants Awarded to Four Amazing Groups

To live out the Matthew 25 vision , we have to build people power through genuine relationships, sharing financial and other resources with communities most impacted by poverty and racism, and supporting our congregations as they connect and stand with their communities. One way we are able to do that is through the Presbyterian Tree Fund, approved in… Read more »

Good Food Purchasing Program Live in Chicago! Connecting Urban Farmers with Institutional Buyers

Urban Tilth photo “Governments have few sources of leverage over increasingly globalized food systems – but public procurement is one of them. When sourcing food for schools, hospitals and public administrations, governments have a rare opportunity to support more nutritious diets and more sustainable food systems in one fell swoop.” – Olivier De Schutter, U.N. Special Rapporteur on… Read more »

Building Community and Food Security in the Far North—Yarducopia

This update comes from Alaska Community Action on Toxics, a Presbyterian Hunger Program grant partner.  The goal of the Yarducopia organic gardening program is to build a grassroots movement of gardeners in Alaska who will work toward a toxic-free, climate stable, and food secure world. This program continues to grow significantly, with the inclusion of… Read more »

Snapshots of the U.S. Food & Farm System: Pandemic Edition

Understanding our food and how it gets to us is no simple task. This overview is a snapshot of the situation of workers and dynamics in our country’s food and farm system. The goal was to outline the current situation in the pandemic and possible solutions for each part of the food chain. It is… Read more »

Local Food Surges in U.S. During Pandemic

ag work While not without real challenges, family farmers – especially those able to directly sell to individuals – are responding with agility and creativity to help meet the food needs of surrounding areas. We give thanks to them and all who produce food, especially during this crisis. Here is a roundup of articles from this morning…. Read more »

Down-to-earth spiritual farming on the rise!

CA farm couple Judging by the 900 people at last year’s Biodynamics Conference in Portland and the 700+ assembled in upstate New York this year, biodynamic farming is swelling! Given the high yields of healthy produce, grains and protein and resilience to climate change, the timing of this popularity couldn’t be better. Our minds and hearts have opened,… Read more »

How to Cool the Planet?

Urban Tilth photo Agroecology is One Answer! By Andrew Kang Bartlett In a world where giant corporations largely shape our food choices and perpetuate a form of agriculture which depends on fossil fuels, synthetic fertilizers and pesticides and workers making poverty wages, family farmers and eaters alike are eager to shift towards a more equitable and eco-friendly food-farm… Read more »

A Green New Deal for Food and Farming

photo of author By Ahna Kruzic, Communications Director of Pesticides Action Network North America Original post Globally, today’s food and agriculture systems are responsible for more climate change-contributing emissions than the world’s cars, trucks, planes, and trains combined. At the same time, we’re confronted with evidence that climate change is wreaking havoc on agricultural production—and unraveling systems of… Read more »