Posts Tagged: food sovereignty

PHP Post – Summer 2024

Finding Hope, Inspiration and Healing By Rebecca Barnes, coordinator for PHP I don’t know about you, but this year so far, I’m having to constantly lean on faith that God is with us and that God’s beloved community is being created even in the midst of horrors. All around, violence, war, infuriating political maneuvering, climate… Read more »

Download the Summer PHP Post!

Dive into this issue of the PHP Post to learn how PHP is addressing root causes and making an impact throughout the world. We invite you to read how communities survive in times of drought, how bridging international concerns from one place to another in global solidarity has great impact, how sharing grief and food… Read more »

One hundred on World Food Day!

One hundred! That’s how many Hunger Action Congregations we are celebrating on World Food Day, October 16, 2022. Congregations around the nation are serving thousands of meals for people in their communities each week; growing food in community gardens and often donating from the abundance; offering shelter for many through their ministries with people experiencing… Read more »

2022 Food Week of Action Features Virtual Events

worc and food sov ghana photos Join these Virtual Food Week Activities: Breaking the Imperialist Food Chains: Online Forum on the Global Food Crisis October 10, 2022, 9:00 a.m. (EDT) An online forum is organized to expose how the continued and intensified neoliberal offensive is taking place in our food systems amid the global food crisis; critique the recent efforts of… Read more »

More corn into our fuel tanks in the middle of a war?

cartoon of car eating corn cobs Our politicians are worried about high gas prices and inflation. Fine. But diverting arable land into biofuels as we face food crises around the globe is short-sighted and can cost many lives. Michael Grunwald, in his April 19 article titled, “Biofuels are accelerating the food crisis — and the climate crisis, too” highlights the absurdity…. Read more »

The Ten Commandments … of Food

four of the 10 commandments of food Yes, the Food Week of Action is coming next month! Every year, PHP joins with dozens of churches, farms and organizations from all over to celebrate the movement to bring Good Food to all – starting with those who don’t get enough affordable, healthy food grown in ways that honor labor and the land. Your… Read more »

Celebrating Agroecology on the International Day of Biological Diversity!

Farmers weeding in NY “We’re part of the solution!” … is the slogan for this year’s UN International Day of Biological Diversity, which the world has celebrated on May 22, since 1993. The International Day for Biological Diversity bolsters the Sustainable Development Goals and highlights the United Nations’ Convention on Biological Diversity, a multilateral treaty signed by all the… Read more »

Ramadan Mubarak! Interfaith Celebration of Food & Fighting Hunger

invite to ramadan celebration Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture hosted the 14th Annual Interfaith Ramadan Fellowship Celebration. Dianna Wright, director of Ecclesial and Ecumenical Ministries in the Office of the General Assembly, PC(USA) and I were invited to celebrate with them and make brief remarks. It was wonderful to be with, pray with, and reflect on hunger and… Read more »

2021 UN Food Systems Summit sounds like a good thing, but…

Drawing of plant growing with the cogs of industrial food system The description on the United Nations website sounds wonderful! In 2021, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a Food Systems Summit as part of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The Summit will launch bold new actions to deliver progress on all 17 SDGs, each of which relies… Read more »

Dreaming Another World as this One Heats

Heat, a Common Denominator Out of control fires. Hottest decade on record. Hot oceans spawning super storms. Polarized politics. Heated debates. COVID fever. The discomfort is now hitting the middle class and even upper classes feel the encroaching heat. The unrelenting  suffering from racism, hunger, poverty and injustice has spread from the invisibilized margins into… Read more »