Posts Categorized: Climate Justice

Chicken better than beef? Not so fast

chicken on rooftop wind vane You care about God’s Creation and you’ve heard how much beef production adds to climate change. So you’re looking for alternatives, like chicken. I often make that choice too, but while the climate impact may be less, there is more to know about the environmental affects of slaughtering 9.3 billion chickens annually in the U.S…. Read more »

Tree Fund Grants Awarded to Four Amazing Groups

To live out the Matthew 25 vision , we have to build people power through genuine relationships, sharing financial and other resources with communities most impacted by poverty and racism, and supporting our congregations as they connect and stand with their communities. One way we are able to do that is through the Presbyterian Tree Fund, approved in… Read more »

Download the Summer PHP Post!

Dive into this issue of the PHP Post to learn how PHP is addressing root causes and making an impact throughout the world. We invite you to read how communities survive in times of drought, how bridging international concerns from one place to another in global solidarity has great impact, how sharing grief and food… Read more »

Can we have dignity in a world that crosses ecological limits?

people with signs in TIAA building in DC The Presbyterian Hunger Program has been active in a transnational campaign that attempts to slow down the financialization of land – land grabbing – by  universities and retirement companies, in particular TIAA, a retirement fund management firm that invests the retirement monies of teachers and nonprofits around the US. TIAA has become the largest  purchaser… Read more »

One from each continent! Goldman Environmental Prize winners for 2022

photo from youtube of nalleli This year marks the 33rd anniversary of the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize, which honors one grassroots activist (and this year one couple) from each of the six inhabited continents. This year’s prize winners are Alex Lucitante and Alexandra Narvaez from Ecuador; Chima Williams from Nigeria; Julien Vincent from Australia; Marjan Minnesma from the Netherlands; Niwat… Read more »

Just for fun. What tabs do you have open?

screen shot of open tabs Keeping Tabs If you are like me, you have half a dozen or more than 20 tabs open on your internet browser. Great stuff you want to read but haven’t gotten to yet… Well, now is your moment to share your favorite open tabs with others. Just add them as a ‘Comment’ below.  Thanks! Here’s… Read more »

More corn into our fuel tanks in the middle of a war?

cartoon of car eating corn cobs Our politicians are worried about high gas prices and inflation. Fine. But diverting arable land into biofuels as we face food crises around the globe is short-sighted and can cost many lives. Michael Grunwald, in his April 19 article titled, “Biofuels are accelerating the food crisis — and the climate crisis, too” highlights the absurdity…. Read more »

2021’s Biggest Climate News and What to Do

sign with "There is No Planet B" By Jessica Maudlin, PHP Dear Friends of Creation, This Monday morning’s news is the most important environmental news in years.  The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report provides clear scientific documentation that our world is truly in crisis. Along with our friends at PEC, we have reviewed the reporting in… Read more »

National Capital Presbytery Divests from Fossil Fuels. Happy Earth Day!

divest from fossil fuel graphic By Anne-Fleur Winter, from Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church, and Claire Wilson-Black, from Fairlington Presbyterian Church On March 23st, 2021, National Capital Presbytery voted to divest from fossil fuels, stating: “Whereas; National Capital Presbytery expresses its profound concern about the destructive effects of climate change on all God’s creation, including a disproportionate impact on communities of… Read more »