1. everyday theology; thinking soul

Let’s time travel through the evolution of Reformed Theology. We’ll geek out on its history, marvel at the Reformation’s legacy, and explore how it’s shaped our journey. And yep, we’ll address the tough stuff too, all while stepping forward with lessons from our past.

  • 1. everyday theology; thinking soul,  2. everyday practice; living body,,  3. everyday spirituality; praying heart

    Thinking, Praying, and Living Our Faith in God

    In November 2023, during the Moderator’s Conference of PC(USA), the Office of Theology and Worship embarked on a significant endeavor tied to our everyday responsibilities, as previously mentioned in one of our blog posts in November. At the conference, we delved into the themes of Thinking, Praying, and Living, emphasizing their profound importance in our mission and ministry. [...] I am delighted to share this reflection on our work three months after the Moderator's Conference, underscoring the interconnectedness of thinking Soul, praying Heart, and living within the Body of Christ. This frame is reflected well in our current Everyday God-talk blog “categories.” It is through this holistic approach that we…

  • 1. everyday theology; thinking soul,  1.a. Reformed Theology

    Karl Barth’s Ethics of Reconciliation

    “But for much of my career I approached Barth via those who tried to reinterpret his theology to make it more palatable to late twentieth century concerns. Barth as a socialist or Barth as a champion of Protestant orthodoxy appeals to some. But in John Webster, I finally found a theologian more concerned with an unvarnished Barth, who let’s Barth’s theology speak on its own terms regardless how it may offend modern sensibilities.”

  • 1. everyday theology; thinking soul,  1.a. Reformed Theology

    Karl Barth, and reflection on “Time”

    “Our time, the time we know and possess, is and remains lost time,” according to Barth, Noel Coward notwithstanding, “even when we believe that God is the creator of time.” “We need,” says Snow, stating the obvious, “to get past the anxiety. The mere thought of [your end] can send adrenaline flooding through your system. A dizzy, unfocused panic seizes you. Your heart thumps; your head swims. You think of nothingness and swoon.” We need to get past the anxiety but how?”

  • 1. everyday theology; thinking soul,  1.a. Reformed Theology,  1.b. Book of Confessions

    Some November Everyday of the Office of Theology and Worship

    In the course of our daily responsibilities at the Office of Theology and Worship, two noteworthy events unfolded in the month of November. Firstly, we participated in the Moderators’ Conference 2023 where, among other contributions, our esteemed colleagues adeptly coordinated the worship service and other events. [...] Additionally, during the AAR/SBL 2023 in San Antonio, the Office of Theology and Worship provided a spiritual and religious haven for the scholars at our connectional church. The Morning Prayer of PC(USA), co-sponsored by the Committee on Theological Education and the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, served as a meaningful gathering.

  • 1.a. Reformed Theology

    Presbyterianism as a Way of Life

    “Being Presbyterian is a way of life. It is made up of the habits of life of Protestant human beings, being people who have something to Pro-test, something to dissent about. Presbyterians and many other Protestants, when we are true to our calling, resist the debasement of Christianity."

  • 1.a. Reformed Theology

    Unapologetic Karl Barth

    In the world of Reformed Theology, where intellectual exploration meets faith, the name Karl Barth looms large. His reinterpretation of St. Anselm's argument for the existence of God marks a pivotal moment in the evolution of theological thought. In this book review, we delve into Karl Barth's groundbreaking work, "Anselm: Fides Quaerens Intellectum," and explore how it represents a profound shift from traditional apologetics to a "faith-seeking understanding" approach.