• 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    Have a great summer!

    We wanted to let you know that our blog updates will be a bit slower and on pause during June and July. Once we have more information about the General Assembly’s decisions and direction regarding certain overtures and business items, we’ll be back with fresh new posts. We also aim to align our updates with the newly revamped PC(USA) webpage. Thank you so much for your understanding. Have a wonderful summer!

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.a. Leading & Serving

    A Real-Life Example: Hastings College

    Last month, we highlighted an exciting opportunity—the Teaching the Bible Grant (a.k.a. TBG). If you’re involved with a Presbyterian Church (USA) affiliated secondary school, college, or university, this grant is something you should definitely consider. Hastings College is a great example of how this Teaching the Bible Grant can be used for meaningful work. Last year, they received the grant and have since hosted a variety of events for Presbyterian college students.