• 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    Have a great summer!

    We wanted to let you know that our blog updates will be a bit slower and on pause during June and July. Once we have more information about the General Assembly’s decisions and direction regarding certain overtures and business items, we’ll be back with fresh new posts. We also aim to align our updates with the newly revamped PC(USA) webpage. Thank you so much for your understanding. Have a wonderful summer!

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.a. Leading & Serving

    A Real-Life Example: Hastings College

    Last month, we highlighted an exciting opportunity—the Teaching the Bible Grant (a.k.a. TBG). If you’re involved with a Presbyterian Church (USA) affiliated secondary school, college, or university, this grant is something you should definitely consider. Hastings College is a great example of how this Teaching the Bible Grant can be used for meaningful work. Last year, they received the grant and have since hosted a variety of events for Presbyterian college students.

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.a. Leading & Serving

    Confidentiality; a Cornerstone of Pastoral Care

    I firmly believe in pastoral care's unique and essential role, which is distinct from therapy sessions, preaching, and worship. My own faith journey has been deeply enriched by the pastoral care provided by PCUSA ministers, who supported me in various forms, alongside therapists, friends, and congregations. As pastors, it seems crucial that we embrace and carefully fulfill this distinct role of pastoral care, especially in communities where the congregation may be smaller but tightly knit.

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.a. Leading & Serving

    Grant Programs for PCUSA related schools, colleges, and universities

    🎓 Exciting opportunity alert! 🚀Presenting the "Teaching the Bible Grant"! 📖 If you're involved in coordinating programs at PCUSA-related colleges, universities, or secondary schools, this grant is tailor-made for you! ✨ Spread the good news and encourage your colleagues to apply, too! Don't miss out on this chance to make an impact. Apply now using the link Teaching the Bible Grant provided here! #TeachingTheBibleGrant #PCUSA 

  • 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.b. Let's Move

    Everyday, Everybody Moves!

    We're thrilled to launch the inaugural post in our new ministry initiative, "Everyday Move." This section is all about sharing short video clips that capture moments inspired by the Holy Spirit—think YouTube shorts or Instagram Reels. Let's dive straight into the experience without too much preamble. Check out our first feature—a dynamic video clip from Megan Gordon, a leader among our New Worshipping Communities and the Director of Haven School of Dance.

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.a. Leading & Serving

    Clergy in Collars, Getting Coffee

    The pandemic took a very interesting turn. The number of pastors began podcasting, YouTubing, Instagramming, TikTok-ing, and hosting webinars. [...] It’s hard to pick out which podcast to listen to, video to watch, or webinar to join. I am sharing these podcasts by Leah Ntuala, not because they are the most advanced forms, but because they represent the authentic voice of pastoral conversation about the daily experiences of pastors. Please note, “everyday” is not synonymous with average or common. We are still on a journey of defining what “everyday” entails, so let’s not rush to conclusions. I hope you can hear the authentic yet unique voices of pastors from them.

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.b. Let it sing: General Assembly

    Is an apology enough?

    Over the past several years, the Office of Theology and Worship (PMA), in partnership with Native American Intercultural Congregational Support (PMA), has been contemplating and discussing the General Assembly referrals concerning the impact of the Doctrine of Discovery. Together, we navigated its profound implications for various Native American communities and the crucial steps to move forward. Initially tasked with developing resources and curricula, we soon realized the complexity of these endeavors far exceeded our initial expectations.

  • 3. everyday spirituality; praying heart,  3.a. Resting & Growing

    A story about praying

    Instead of a prayer, here is a story from five years ago about praying – may it speak to you [...] After a fruitful conversation, and when we finished our meal, Charles stood to leave for his son’s basketball game. That’s when the woman stood, took the half step needed to cross the aisle in the restaurant and spoke. [...] We are made from dust. And to the dust we will all return. But until we do, moments of grace will find us. Thanks be to God.

  • 2. everyday practice; living body,,  2.a. Leading & Serving

    Celebrating Women’s History Month

    Celebrating Women’s History Month, ironically, I found some inspiration in the form of the theatre performance "Becoming a Man.” It is a story of a woman’s body transitioning to a man’s body, how it could entail complications in relationships, friendships, mental health, and physical health, and how it is a life-death decision that is complex with heavyweight yet with hopeful possibility for the liberation in the future only when you are true to yourself past and present. [...] Celebrating Women’s History Month with genuine heart, soul, and body, along with all communities’ history with uniqueness, I carefully raise these questions. Not to erase anybody’s identity, but to truly embrace who…