Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Eco-Justice Journey

Opportunities and information for education, advocacy, and action to accompany you on your own justice journey.

Climate Witness Event in DC on November 5

For any of you in the Washington D.C. area, the PC(USA) Washington Office sent this email yesterday asking for participation in a Climate Witness event next week: The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Washington Office along with Church World Service, the National…

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Earth Care Theology from the Presbytery of Yukon

Yukon’s Executive Presbyter Rev. Curtis Karns recently wrote an inspiring post about the theology of earth care on the Presbytery of Yukon blog. He reminds us of the importance Jesus placed on responsibility for leadership. With this in mind, it…

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Reminder: Countdown to Copenhagen

International leaders will be meeting in Copenhagen in December to create a new international agreement to lower greenhouse gas emissions that will replace the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012. These are crucial talks, and it is important for…

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Louisiana Wetlands

Bayou Blue Presbyterian Church in Gray, Louisiana has found a passion for hospitality and education. They invite volunteers at the Houma Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Volunteer Village to for dinner and to an educational program on the shrinking of Louisiana’s wetlands….

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Free Study Guide for National Parks Documentary

Earth Ministry is offering a free religious study guide for and DVD film clips of Ken Burns’s new documentary The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. Offerings include a four session Christian study guide and a one session interfaith study guide….

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Living Waters for the World

The Presbyterian News Service recently ran an article about a Presbyterian group that will be traveling to Laos to install a water filtration system through Living Waters for the World, which is a ministry of the Synod of the Living…

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New Reports and Resources on Climate Change

On the eve of’s International Day of Climate Action, there are several new resources and reports on climate change that I thought I’d share. A new report from the International Food Policy Research Institute states that 25 million more…

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Mountaintop Removal: What We Can Do

Earlier this week I traveled to Whitesburg in eastern Kentucky to learn more about mountaintop removal with the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Working Group. Having just been to West Virginia to learn more about the issue, I was interested…

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End Nationwide Permits for Mountaintop Removal

Help Stop Mountaintop Removal Valley Fills: When mountaintop removal mining occurs, the top of a mountain is blasted off and then the rock “waste” is dumped in the valley below, burying streams and killing aquatic life. Currently many mountaintop removal…

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Poverty, Children, and Climate Change

The United Nations sponsors the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty every year on October 17. The day seeks to recognizee the struggle of people living in poverty, give folks in poverty a chance to make their voices heard,…

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