Posts Categorized: Earth Care Congregations

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto, CA

First Presbyterian Church Palo Alto, CA On Earth Day, First Presbyterian Church celebrated in worship by making prayer flags for one of the low-water gardens on their church campus. The worship service was focused on their role in caring for creation and they used the following Psalm to guide them as they made the flags:… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: Trinity Presbyterian Church of McKinney, TX

Trinity Presbyterian Church celebrates being an Earth Care Congregation! As an Earth Care Congregation, Trinity Presbyterian Church of McKinney, TX, proudly celebrates the many great facets of this ministry! Some unique ways Trinity honors God’s creation are: offering reusable shopping bags with Trinity Earth Care logos; selling Fair Trade chocolate; providing ceramic mugs and eco-friendly… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church

Warner Memorial Presbyterian Church: Kensington, MD On February 27, 2013, Warner Memorial held the first of three Wednesday evening Green Film Fest showings. When no one has signed up to dedicate chancel flowers, Warner Memorial displays green plants instead, and includes “The plants in the chancel today are offered to the glory of God in… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: First Presbyterian Church of Edwardsville, IL

First Presbyterian Church of Edwardsville, IL: Going Green! The church has been a supporter of the environment, and has a long program of recycling. All the paper used in their office has a large recycled component. Even though the cost is a little higher, it is important to them to continue with this initiative  Recycled content… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: Baltimore Presbytery

There are wonderful things happening in Baltimore Presbytery!   At Maryland Presbyterian Church, the host for our meeting with these great compostable options, they have a native plants garden, worm composting, a demonstration garden for children, and are advocating in their state legislature for wind energy.   At Towson Presbyterian Church, there is ongoing tree… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: Riviera Presbyterian Church

Riviera Presbyterian Church: Sustainable Landscape Replacement with No Budget Riviera Presbyterian Church is located near Everglades and Biscayne Bay National Parks in sub-tropical south Florida, a globally unique ecosystem and home to a wealth of rare indigenous species.  With 95% of the area’s original habitat (outside the Parks) lost to development, and the overwhelming prevalence… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church

Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church (Shepherdstown, WV)   Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church had their annual EarthFest at the church in early April. This event was an hour-long mixture of earthy-songs presented in the sanctuary by dynamite local musicians (some from the congregation), punctuated by really moving recitations about earth care.  A lot of the focus was on coal-mining and… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Spotlight: Village Presbyterian Church

Village Presbyterian Church in Prairie Village, KS: Climate Change Forum   With over a hundred people in attendance, the Village Presbyterian Church’s March Environmental Forum on Climate Change exceeded expectations.  Panelists shared informative, articulate, and complementary information on climate change while other participants offered inspiring prayers, good scriptural context, and the overall religious framework to… Read more »

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church wins GIPL award

Congratulations to PCUSA Earth Care Congregation St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Tucker, GA! They just received a grant from Georgia Interfaith Power & Light to install more energy efficient lighting in their education building. They are also the fourth church in Georgia to earn GIPL’s Creation Wise certification in recognition of their work on energy… Read more »

PCUSA Environmental Ministries and GreenFaith collaboration: webinar now available online!

Have you been hearing about the new collaboration between PCUSA Environmental Ministries and GreenFaith but not yet learned as much as you would like?   The informative, inspiring, and encouraging webinar about the GreenFaith certification program– which gives PCUSA congregations the opportunity to become PCUSA Earth Care certified as well as receiving this interfaith certification–… Read more »