Posts Categorized: Earth Care Congregations

TODAY Dec 17 at 2pm Eastern, an ENERGY STAR webinar for PCUSA congregations

PCUSA Environmental Ministries and ENERGY STAR Webinar for Congregations   Tues, Dec 17, 2pm (Eastern) EPA’s ENERGY STAR has tools, tech support and national recognition for energy efficient worship facilities, freely available to  Presbyterians. Join PC(USA) Environmental Ministries and ENERGY STAR in taking our “good intentions” all the way to significant energy cost savings and… Read more »

Elizabethtown, KY First Presbyterian learns about Bluegrass Pipeline, Collaborates County-Wide, and offers Trail to enjoy God’s earth

In Elizabethtown, Kentucky, Presbyterians are joining others to care for God’s creation across the county, and around the state.   First Presbyterian Church does much in its own congregation. It hosts youth outdoors retreats and annual church pig roast, creation care worship services, has a summer church garden as well as winter raised beds, makes… Read more »

Crosslake Presbyterian Does Renewable Power and Energy Efficiency

A recently installed array of solar panels on the roof of Crosslake Presbyterian Church in north central Minnesota generates electricity when the sun shines. (Crosslake MN enjoys as many hours of sunlight annually as Houston, TX ! )   Click here for access to a real time report of electrical production.   This is the… Read more »

Church Gets Out Into God’s Creation

First Presbyterian Church of Urbana, recently recertified as one of the 120 PCUSA Earth Care Congregations, brings elements of caring for God’s creation into the worship, education, and mission life of the congregation as well as updating their facilities for energy efficiency, water conservation, and other savings.    This congregation is also good at getting… Read more »

October 2013 Presbyterians for Earth Care Conference gathers faithful folks from across the country

“Surely God is in this place” we sang together. And, the presence of God certainly moved among and energized the hundred Presbyterians (and ecumenical friends) gathered in Little Rock, AR at Fernliff Camp and Conference Center from October 16-19, 2013. We shared stories, created relationships, learned new things, collected helpful resources, and were inspired to… Read more »

Church Examines Waste, Raises Fund at Earth Care Breakfast

One of the best parts of my day is to hear creative stories of what churches are doing all across the country to be disciples and to care for God’s good earth! Here’s a clever idea to demonstrate how much waste we can generate, or save from being generated, depending on our choices. This fun… Read more »

First Presbyterian (Oak Ridge, TN) cares for God’s creation

First Presbyterian Church (Oak Ridge, TN) cares about God’s creation and acts to show it in a variety of ways. In their worship life, educational offerings, outreach activities, and in their buildings and grounds, this congregation operates with an earth care ethic as part of their Christian discipleship.   Photo from: Young family of… Read more »

Saint Mark’s “Alternate Transportation Sunday” (Earth Care Congregation)

Saint Mark Presbyterian Church in North Bethesda, MD is an Earth Care Congregation. Among the many wonderful things they do to care for God’s creation, one of their successful activities is an Alternate Transportation Sunday. This special focus began in May 2011 and has continued ever since (and they have even developed tips for replicating… Read more »