Posts Categorized: Trans-Pacific Partnership

National Call-In Days Against the TPP

Raise Your Voice Against the TPP November 15-17   The White House has indicated that they still plan to introduce the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in Congress this month during the Lame Duck session. We have heard for many years from our partners overseas about the harmful impacts of free trade policies on the poor and vulnerable. Our… Read more »

Partners Push for No Lame-Duck Vote on TPP

Target Democratic House Reps. Himes and DeGette By Jed Koball | Mission Co-Worker Peru Presbyterians are working in collaboration with Joining Hands partners in Peru, Public Citizen´s Global Trade Watch and others from civil society in the U.S. to prevent a lame-duck vote on the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement that has been a focal point… Read more »

Peru “Wins!” But What About La Oroya?

La Oroya demands health By Jed Koball | Joining Hands Peru In an unexpected turn of events, after five years of closed-door hearings, the arbiters overseeing the case of The Renco Group, Inc. v Peru issued a surprise decision on July 15, 2016 in favor of Peru on grounds of jurisdiction. Early reactions from the Peruvian government and civil… Read more »

Justice for La Oroya: Renco Group loses arbitration suit against Peru

Many of you are probably familiar with the tragic case of La Oroya, Peru. La Oroya is one of the ten most polluted places in the world and 99% of children in the immediate area are estimated to suffer from lead poisoning due to the pollution generated from the metal smelter there, formerly owned and… Read more »

TPP: Concentration of Power for Investors and Inequality for Citizens

By Conrado Olivera | Red Uniendo Manos Peru, Joining Hands Peru On October 5, 2015, after numerous rounds (and years) of negotiations, the public officials and advisors of the twelve countries representing more than a third of the global economy, finished redacting the terms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement. After being signed on… Read more »