Posts Tagged: peacemaking

2012 Advent Devotion- Sunday, December 9

by Sara Sotelo, Communication Specialist, Compassion, Peace and Justice Ministry (Louisville, Kentucky) Isaiah 5:1-7 With Christmas quickly approaching, it seems like more people go out of their way to do nice things for each other. Children are on their best behavior, more people go to church, and people in the holiday spirit donate more money… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Saturday, December 8

by Ben Wiley, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program Summer Intern (2012) and student, Davidson College (Davidson, North Carolina) Luke 21:10-11 “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and plagues; and there will be dreadful portents and great signs from heaven” (Luke 21:10-11). In many ways… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Friday, December 7

by Kris Clutter, Legal Assistant/Receptionist, People’s Law Office (Chicago, Illinois) 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12 While I was reading this passage, Lady Gaga’s song, “Bad Romance” happened to come on my Pandora radio. Naturally, the first question that came to mind was, “What does a bad romance look like in the eyes of God?” At first glance… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Thursday, December 6

by Abigail Heimach, Program Assistant, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program (Louisville, Kentucky) Psalm 18 Psalm 18 is filled with violent images—portraying God as a strong man. The imagery is far from my experience as a peace-seeking feminist, and I struggle to focus on God as a source of strength. I used to see my reliance on God’s… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Wednesday, December 5

by Katrina Pekich-Bundy, Teaching Elder, Hanover Presbyterian Church (Hanover, Indiana) Isaiah 2:1-4 While growing up I understood why we learned history in school, though I could never remember the dates of battles or who fought which war. I’d like to think that in elementary school I was keen enough to see that war was against… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Tuesday, December 4

by Rachel Parsons-Wells, Kinesis Organizer (Louisville, Kentucky) Luke 20:9-18 Today’s text brings a dark note to the Advent season. Here we see Jesus as an adult, using story to reflect on some harsh realities. This adult Jesus tells us a parable, a story that is meant to be unpacked. The landowner represents God, the one… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Monday, December 3

by Meagan Manas, Presbyterian Women Staff Specialist for Justice and Peace (Brooklyn, New York) Isaiah 1:10-20 Probably like most peacemakers, I love this passage from Isaiah. How many times have we been at a General Assembly or another solemn meeting and simply “couldn’t endure” it? For those interested in working for justice and peace, these… Read more »

2012 Advent Devotion- Sunday, December 2

by Sarah Osborne, young adult vounteer (Tucson, Arizona) Psalm 24 God created heaven and earth, brought light out of darkness, built land over the waters, made plants and animals to populate the planet, and God created humans last of all. We are individually shaped, uniquely sculpted, and wholly formed in God’s image. The question is:… Read more »

No child soldiers: more steps on the journey

As representatives of the Member States gathered for the 67th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, several important events took place in the effort to create a world  where children are children not soldiers: On 19 September 2012, the Security Council demanded that “parties to armed conflict which commit grave abuses against children, including… Read more »

Season of Peace Begins September 9

New season to focus Presbyterians on peacemaking in the weeks leading up to World Communion Sunday A Season of Peace begins September 9 as a 4-week pilgrimage designed to deepen the pursuit of peace in congregations, small groups, families, and individuals. Subscribe to the daily peace reflections and download the two new resources:  an Intergenerational… Read more »