Posts Tagged: peacemaking

Advent Devotion – December 25, 2010

Scripture – Isaiah 52:7–10, Psalm 98, Hebrews 1:1–12, and John 1:1–14 Christmas Day! Behold the wonder of this day—a day of anticipations fulfilled! Rejoice and be glad! A Son is born! The psalmist exclaimed that the Lord will come to…

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Advent Devotion – December 24, 2010

Scripture – Luke 2:1–20 “And on earth peace, goodwill among people.” Luke 2:14 (NIV) As a child this phrase from Luke’s version of the Christmas story was one of my favorites. Each time I heard this ancient text read on…

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The hopes and fears of all the years

Reprinted from the Presbyterian News Service: Louisville The following statement is from Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Linda Valentine, Executive Director of the General Assembly Mission Council. Each December Presbyterians join…

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Economic and Peacemaking studies seeking volunteers

Friends of Social Witness and Social Ministry, The General Assembly has authorized two new studies that will involve the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP). One is about the economic crisis and the other is about the peacemaking witness…

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Which piece of peace?

by Karen Maurer Which piece of peace will you work on? Thirty years ago, the Presbyterian Church identified peacemaking as the believers’ calling, emphasizing the connection between peace and justice. In August of 2010 at Ghost Ranch in New Mexico…

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The Biblical Witness to Peacemaking

The Biblical Witness to Peacemaking, 2010-2011 is a daily lectionary bearing witness to God’s gift of peace and Christ’s call to peacemaking. Peacemaking is a central declaration of the gospel. Though Jesus Christ, God grants us the gift of grace….

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Remember your baptism

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – News & Announcements – Remember your baptism: Bethany Furkin wrote this article about the opening worship service at the 2010 Presbyterian Peacemaking Seminar sponsored by the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program. David Gambrell’s sermon included the observation: Jesus…

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The planning team and leadership team for the 2010 Presbyterian Peacemaking Seminar gathered for worship this morning. The seminar is being held to celebrate the 30th anniversary of Peacemaking: The Believers’ Calling, the General Assembly statement that called the Presbyterian…

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