2012 Advent Devotion- Sunday, December 2

by Sarah Osborne, young adult vounteer (Tucson, Arizona)

Psalm 24

God created heaven and earth, brought light out of darkness, built land over the waters, made plants and animals to populate the planet, and God created humans last of all. We are individually shaped, uniquely sculpted, and wholly formed in God’s image. The question is: How do we fit into this beautifully varied world that God has formed? How should we live? What should we protect? What is the balance between pursuing our own happiness and living in God’s light?

 “Who shall ascend to the hill of the Lord?” The psalmist says those with “clean hands and pure hearts.” In order to live with pure hearts, we must care for all of God’s creation. No exceptions, no restrictions. We must open our eyes to the world around us, seeking out dark places, crossing boundaries. We enter unknown territory to appreciate the light we bring and realize our own darkness.

As we begin our time of advent, we light the first candle with prayers of hope. Hope for courage, hope for willingness to seek out the shadows, and hope for ourselves as we understand our place in God’s world around us.

God, You form the earth and sky, water the plants, feed the animals, and love us unconditionally. We pray this night for eyes to see the darkness within our world and inside ourselves. It is only through seeing Your light in others and sharing our light that we may do Your work. Amen.

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