2012 Advent Devotion- Thursday, December 6

by Abigail Heimach, Program Assistant, Presbyterian Peacemaking Program (Louisville, Kentucky)

Psalm 18

Psalm 18 is filled with violent images—portraying God as a strong man. The imagery is far from my experience as a peace-seeking feminist, and I struggle to focus on God as a source of strength. I used to see my reliance on God’s strength as a sinful refusal to work for justice, and I felt wasn’t worthy.

Then I had an experience where I felt isolated, hurt by so-called friends, trapped in a career that conflicted with my calling. My passion felt zapped from my soul. Feeling lost, I turned to God. Through daily prayer and Spirit-inspired friendships and support, I found a source of strength that impacted my personal spirit so intensely that I felt empowered to a path that led more directly to my calling. I was enriched, re-energized, and overwhelmed with gratitude because my life dramatically changed! I learned that God is our rock. No matter what, no matter where we are, we are worthy. God’s comfort directs us to our calling, and there is absolutely no shame in that.

Holy and loving God, you give us strength and comfort because we are worthy of your love. Help us to realize and embody this, so that we can spread your love through fulfilling the calling you give to each one of us. In the name of Jesus Christ, whose birth we remember in this season. Amen.

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