Posts Tagged: peacemaking

Summer volunteers work on Red Hands

  Sophie Beal and Elodie de Bethmann are summer volunteer interns at the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations.  This is their first week with us, their first blog with us, and their first time getting involved with Red Hands.  Below is the blog from Sophie and Elodie. More photos are available on our Facebook… Read more »

Prayer for World Communion Sunday

Use these liturgical resources in worship this Sunday, October 2 The following prayer is the opening prayer for worship provided with this year’s Peacemaking Offering resources for World Communion Sunday, October 2.    This and all of the worship resources can be downloaded.  O God of majesty, as we gather today to worship you, disquiet us… Read more »

Glory to God and Peace on Earth

The International Ecumenical Peace Convocation (IEPC) gathered in Kingston, Jamaica on May 17-25, 2011. The IEPC was a “harvest festival” that celebrated the achievements of the Decade to Overcome Violence, which began in 2001. Sarah Henken and Mark Koenig led a workshop on Accompaniment as Peacemaking that featured the Colombia Accompaniment Program. Here are some… Read more »

Reflections on the Peacemaking Pre-Conference Workshop

The gathering of Presbyterian peacemakers in Indianapolis got started last week with a pre-conference workshop “Gun Violence, Gospel Values:  Mobilizing in Response to God’s Call.”   It was a tough 6 hours, and my thanks to the leaders for that.  The statistics were troubling, and there were plenty of them, grim numbers of which we must not be aware, otherwise we surely wouldn’t accept them.

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The Big Tent is underway

The Presbyterian Peacemaking Conference is underway in Indianapolis.  Yesterday, we met with the Iraq Partnership Network and the Brazil Mission Network.   It is great to meet people doing amazing work for the church around the world!  Stay tuned to Facebook, Twitter and this blog for more updates from the Big Tent.

Blessed are the peacemakers

From across the Presbytery of New York City they came to First Presbyterian Church in Brooklyn for the Presbyterian Women’s Spring Gathering. The 2011-2012 Horizons Bible Study, Confessing the Beatitudes by the Rev. Dr. Margaret Aymer, provided the theme and…

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Blessed are the peacemakers

How does the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations equip and inspire Presbyterians to make peace following Jesus? The Presbyterian Women of Monmouth Presbytery explored that question when then met on April 16 at the Presbyterian Church at Shrewsbury for…

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2011 Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Development, Security and Economic Justice: What’s Gender Got to Do with It? March 25-28, 2011 Washington, D.C. Come to the 10th annual Ecumenical Advocacy Days, as we explore Development, Security & Economic Justice: What’s Gender Got to Do with It?…

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