Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Food and Faith

community carrots

Even though I have a small garden of my own to tend to, Saturday morning found me thinning carrot seedlings along a 30 foot row at a local, volunteer-led garden called Harvest for the Hungry. Now in its 20th year,…

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urban harvesting

Urban harvesting in Louisville is especially fruitful in spring. Haeja asked the tree guys for some of the stumps from the maple they were felling and pulverizing down the block. She wants them for a sand box she plans to…

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Tilling & Keeping

“In this sense,” Deffenbaugh tells us, “eating locally is one of the most political activities that we can engage in on a daily basis.”

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Food Crisis U.S.A.?

Mark Winne, a food justice activist, author, and former director of the Hartford Food System (a grantee of the Presbyterian Hunger Program) helps change the angle from which we view the high food price issue and focus on the importance…

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hungry for profit (not me!)

When I woke up this Sunday morning (day three of the fast), my heart was still pounding. So I thought I would drink some organic grape juice, but didn’t have any in the house. I didn’t know when Rainbow Blossoms…

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the fast that chooses many

I’ve gone without the last six meals as part of a fast that about 40 people we know about are participating in. Many are PC(USA) staff who are trying to discern ways to respond to the Global Food Crisis; others…

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Food Films Galore

Thanks to friends in the sustainable ag world for the list below of films on the ever-popular topic of food. There are some additional ones on the Presbyterian’s Food and Faith site. Plus, at the bottom of this post are…

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Sacred Risk

I do not have (to the best of my knowledge) any DNA links to the Chinook people of the Pacific Northwest, nor to any other Native American peoples. I am, however, a daughter of Oregon where I spent over 4/5th…

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