Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Food and Faith

Tree Fund Grants Awarded to Four Amazing Groups

To live out the Matthew 25 vision , we have to build people power through genuine relationships, sharing financial and other resources with communities most impacted by poverty and racism, and supporting our congregations as they connect and stand with their communities. One way we are able to do that is through the Presbyterian Tree Fund, approved in… Read more »

Do fair food labels mean anything? Some do more than others.

Farmworker's arm and heading, "Agricultural Justice Project" PHP supports two groups, which received the highest accolades for their effectiveness in supporting farm workers. One is the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) and their Fair Food Program and the second is Agricultural Justice Project. The CIW’s Fair Food Program launched in 2011 and was “one of the earlier food justice schemes to forge… Read more »

Download the Summer PHP Post!

Dive into this issue of the PHP Post to learn how PHP is addressing root causes and making an impact throughout the world. We invite you to read how communities survive in times of drought, how bridging international concerns from one place to another in global solidarity has great impact, how sharing grief and food… Read more »

Good Food Purchasing Program Live in Chicago! Connecting Urban Farmers with Institutional Buyers

Urban Tilth photo “Governments have few sources of leverage over increasingly globalized food systems – but public procurement is one of them. When sourcing food for schools, hospitals and public administrations, governments have a rare opportunity to support more nutritious diets and more sustainable food systems in one fell swoop.” – Olivier De Schutter, U.N. Special Rapporteur on… Read more »

Farm Bill Time!

farm bill graphic It’s time to begin raising our voices about the kind of food and agriculture we want for our towns, states and country — a food system that is equitable and sustainable! One that ensures the right to food for all and supports the workers and farmers who feed us! With that goal in mind, we’ve… Read more »

Can we have dignity in a world that crosses ecological limits?

people with signs in TIAA building in DC The Presbyterian Hunger Program has been active in a transnational campaign that attempts to slow down the financialization of land – land grabbing – by  universities and retirement companies, in particular TIAA, a retirement fund management firm that invests the retirement monies of teachers and nonprofits around the US. TIAA has become the largest  purchaser… Read more »

PRESS RELEASE: On Debt Payments to Farmers and Ranchers

bee on flower Rural Coalition Statement on USDA Implementation of Debt Payments for Underserved Farmers and Ranchers OCT 18, 2022 The United States Department of Agriculture today announced the phased implementation of the $3.1 billion in critical debt relief for distressed borrowers of direct or guaranteed loans whose agricultural operations are at financial risk enacted in August in… Read more »