Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) Blogs

Eco-Justice Journey

Opportunities and information for education, advocacy, and action to accompany you on your own justice journey.

WASH for Lent

WASH for Lent is offering weekly reflections surrounding the global water and sanitation crisis for congregations to contemplate during Lent. Churches are called to prayer, study, and action surrounding WAter, Sanitation, and Hygiene. According to UNICEF and the WHO, almost…

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Register for Ecumenical Advocacy Days

Ecumenical Advocacy Days will take place on March 19-22 in Washington D.C. This year’s theme is “A Place to Call Home: Immigrants, Refugees, and Displaced Peoples.” The event is a time for people of faith to learn more about this…

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February Global Food Crisis Fast

The Presbyterian Hunger Program offers materials for a monthly 40-hour fast. These resources offer fast participants new perspectives on food issues related to the Global Food Crisis. February’s fast materials are focused on an increased demand for food in India…

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Order Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday

Does your church purchase palms for Palm Sunday? If so, look into buying Eco-Palms this year. Purchasing Eco-Palms supports eco-justice: Eco-Palms are harvested in a sustainable manner and workers are paid a fair wage. Around 300 million palms are used…

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Farmworker Freedom March

From the PC(USA) Campaign for Fair Food: Announcing the day of God’s favor, the gospel of Luke tells us Jesus inaugurated his ministry by reading from the scroll of Isaiah, proclaiming release to the captives. As followers of Jesus we…

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Climate Legislation Conference Call

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program will continue its series of conference calls on climate issues and legislation for grassroots leaders on February 1 at Noon Eastern Time. The call in number is 1-866-939-8416 and the access code is…

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