Order Eco-Palms for Palm Sunday

Palmslogo Does your church purchase palms for Palm Sunday?

If so, look into buying Eco-Palms this year.

Purchasing Eco-Palms supports eco-justice: Eco-Palms are harvested in a sustainable manner and workers are paid a fair wage.  Around 300 million palms are used in the United States each year.  If churches purchase Eco-Palms, this will protect forest and increase the standard of living for Eco-Palm harvesters, who are paid 5-6 times the normal payment per palm.

Enough for Everyone, part of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, sponsors the Eco-Palms projectSorters with Lutheran World Relief, Catholic Relief Services, and the University of Minnesota.  Visit the Enough for Everyone website for more information on Eco-Palms.  Order by March 2 (with a check) or March 9 (with a credit card) for delivery by Palm Sunday.  You can order online at the Eco-Palms website.

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