Posts Categorized: Solar

First Presbyterian Tallahassee: Carbon Neutrality, Solar Panels, and “Fossil Free”

  Reflections from Brant S. Copeland, Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Tallahassee, FL.       I have been serving as pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Tallahassee for almost 30 years.  Throughout my pastorate our congregation has been deeply engaged in environmental stewardship.  In 2006 our Session responded to the General Assembly’s call to… Read more »

Teen Green Lawn Care Service

  Noah Wilding is a rising sophomore at Trinity High School who is fully committed to ending climate change.  He is operating a totally green lawn care business.  He has a solar panel for charging his electric mower, trimmer, and weedwacker, and he rides his bike to his mowing jobs, pulling his equipment in a… Read more »

Eco-Mission Trip: Earth Care Couple travels to El Salvador

  Chuck and Ruth Dow, members of PC(USA) Earth Care Congregation River Glen Presbyterian Church (Naperville, IL), recently returned from a mission trip to El Salvador. They taught nutrition, gardening (including container gardening), and solar cooking (with a foldable solar cooker they designed and can teach people how to make and use, with a cost… Read more »

Updates from Crosslake Presbyterian Church: solar panels and other projects

Submitted by pastor emeritus and chair of the congregation’s Energy Stewardship Task Force, Rev. Rodger Grussing     Our modest photo- voltaic (p-v) system has been operating for a year and a half. Our “above code” building is now 12 years old. The geothermal system has been operating for nearly twelve years and the forest… Read more »

Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church dedicates community-support solar system!

Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church dedicates largest community-supported solar system in West Virginia; Launches new model making solar possible for any community group in West Virginia Tuesday, August 26, 2014 For Immediate Release Contact:          Dan Conant, Solar Holler                                          (802) 595-0338                        Than Hitt, Shepherdstown Presbyterian Church  (304) 268-4886 Shepherdstown, WV—In a first of its kind project, residents and… Read more »

Trinity Presbyterian in Santa Cruz Installs Solar

  Members at Trinity Presbyterian Church in Santa Cruz, CA, decided to take the leap of faith and apply for a loan to install solar panels on their church building. In an article about stewardship for the church newsletter, church member Russ Hobbs wrote about “solar coming to Trinity” as a brainstorm that began with… Read more »

Earth Care Congregation Saves through Solar!

North Presbyterian Church solar panels save money and carbon pollution “Lent” has a new meaning at North Presbyterian Church (Williamsburg, NY) that is close to the word’s ancient etymology. Because of the lengthening days, it’s the time of year when the church starts producing more of the electricity than it uses.   The church has… Read more »

Solar Panels at Second Presbyterian Church

The Earth Shepherds of Second Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, MO continue to invite their congregation to care for God’s creation in a diversity of ways. This church has truly responded to this committee’s great leadership and to the improvements helped along by the Building and Grounds session committee and their Building Manager Don Weeks,… Read more »