Posts Categorized: Food Justice

Sacramento History Tour through a Matthew 25 Lens

By Nancy Disher, Hunger Action Advocate/Mission Organizer in North Central California Presbytery   Debby Dillon educating us about the Oak Park neighborhood. Photo by Nancy Disher Debby Dillon from Shepherd of the Sierra Church led an educational and fascinating historical tour of Oak Park and West End neighborhoods in Sacramento on April 27, 2024. When… Read more »

God’s Green (and Brown) Revolution

by Jenny Holmes (reposted from Presbyterians for Earth Care blog, link below) “The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all.” —Wendell Berry Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”… Read more »

Container Gardening

  ‘There are certain, very stabilizing forces in gardening that can ground us when we are feeling shaky, uncertain, terrified really. It’s these predictable outcomes, predictable rhythms of the garden that are very comforting right now.’ — Rutgers University professor Joel Flagler With many people confined to home during the COVID-19 outbreak, “now is a… Read more »

The Power of Community and Agency to Transform Society

Little Village Environmental Justice Organization By Jennifer Evans, mission specialist for the Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP)   During PHP’s spring advisory committee meeting, we visited one of our newest grant partners, Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) in Chicago. In this predominantly Mexican-American community, their office is located in the Little Village neighborhood and appears… Read more »

Reflection from Eco-Stewards in Gainesville, FL

On Sunday May 18, I had the privilege of gathering with this year’s young adult Eco-Stewards in Gainesville, FL to explore issues of food, land, water, and faith journeys in the Gainesville area. We had a marvelous time learning about one another and about the local ecosystem as well as discussing how faith connects to… Read more »

The Advent of Hunger?

This afternoon I was talking with colleagues about our children, in relation to feeding them on a Food Stamp Challenge budget. Some of our parental thoughts: What if they don’t like the food? What if they don’t eat the food? What if they ask for seconds? What if they’re embarrassed by what they bring in… Read more »

Action Alert: House Decimates Farm Bill

The House Farm Bill now does not have the conservation focus nor the SNAP benefits that are so clearly needed for environmental and economic care. Please read this Action Alert from our Office of Public Witness, and take action!   Last week the House of Representatives voted to enact a Farm Bill that did not… Read more »


How is eating a responsible act of one’s faithful discipleship? Beyond Thanksgiving Day, how do we show our gratitude about food? What kind of consumption supports the earth, farmers, and families?   Plan ahead for World Food Day in October with this Food Week of Action information.   And, mark your calendar for next spring’s… Read more »

Atlanta Church Develops Greener Congregation

Central Presbyterian Church, located in Atlanta, GA, has set out to make a difference in the ailing environment, and they are succeeding. Last April, the church installed solar thermal collectors, which support Central’s hot water needs. This program was sought after since 2007 when the church established a “go green” drive. Since then, Central has… Read more »

Plan Now for the Week of Action on Food

The following information was sent from the Presbyterian Hunger Program. Learn about resources available to work on food justice and eco-justice in your congregation during Week of Action on Food, October 10-17, 2011. Plan now for events in your congregation. Presbyterians and the Food for Life Campaign action alert As a Presbyterian, you are connected… Read more »