Posts Categorized: Current Affairs

New Reports and Resources on Climate Change

On the eve of’s International Day of Climate Action, there are several new resources and reports on climate change that I thought I’d share. A new report from the International Food Policy Research Institute states that 25 million more…

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Mountaintop Removal: What We Can Do

Earlier this week I traveled to Whitesburg in eastern Kentucky to learn more about mountaintop removal with the National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Working Group. Having just been to West Virginia to learn more about the issue, I was interested…

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End Nationwide Permits for Mountaintop Removal

Help Stop Mountaintop Removal Valley Fills: When mountaintop removal mining occurs, the top of a mountain is blasted off and then the rock “waste” is dumped in the valley below, burying streams and killing aquatic life. Currently many mountaintop removal…

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International Fair Trade Justice Action Day

In addition to Columbus Day, today is also International Fair Trade Justice Day. Read Alexandra Buck’s post on Food and Faith Blog to see how you can be a voice for fair trade today as a part of the Week…

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West Virginia

Last weekend I traveled to West Virginia to attend Turning Over a New Leaf: a Faith Community Green Event, which was hosted by the West Virginia Council of Churches and the West Virginia Presbytery. This event was an invigorating day…

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National Climate Call In

The National Council of Churches Eco-Justice Program will continue its series of calls on climate issues and legislation on October 21 at Noon Eastern time. The call in number is 866-939-8416 and the access code is 7420302. Please let Tyler…

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Senate Climate Bill Introduced

Senators John Kerry and Barbara Boxer introduced the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act on September 30th. The bill uses much of the same language as the American Clean Energy and Security Act that was passed by the House…

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Environmental Justice for the Yupik People

Recently a delegation of Presbyterian Indigenous Yupik tribal leaders, youth, and elders came to Washington, DC to talk with policy makers about the environmental health issues caused by toxic waste at a former military base near their home in Alaska….

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Countdown to Copenhagen

In December international climate talks will continue in Copenhagen. The goal of this meeting is to create a new international agreement to lower greenhouse gas emissions that will replace the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012. These are crucial…

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Climate and Disasters

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs and the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre have released a report that states that in 2008, 20 million people were displaced by climate related natural disasters such as droughts, hurricanes, and…

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