Posts Categorized: Current Affairs

Article on Faith and Mountaintop Removal

The front page of Sunday’s Courier-Journal featured an article on faith and mountaintop removal that started out with a quote from Stewardship of Creation Enabler Rev. Robin Blakeman, “Mountaintop-removal mining blasts away our souls, blasts away our communities, the souls…

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OOPs: Last Day in the Life (A Day in the Life, Part #2)

By Carol Somplatsky-Jarman Monday, December 14: Twenty percent. Our specially appointed delegate has gone to the Bella Center to the specially appointed place, to pick up the specially prepared sealed envelope with the specially prepared second passes. Twenty-one: that is…

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Green Advent from Odyssey Networks

Odyssey Networks is providing a daily green Advent calendar entry. The daily entries share a bible verse, prayer, and tip for environmental stewardship. While you are visiting the website you can catch up on reports from the religious community at…

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A Day in the Life, #1

By Carol Somplatsky-Jarman, Friday, December 11 Buzz, buzz…. Buzz, buzz, buzz… I hear an intermittent buzz of Bill’s Blackberry, which goes off (accompanied by a flash of red light) every time an email comes in. It has been like this…

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Update #2 from Copenhagen

By Bill Somplatsky-Jarman. Photos by Carol Somplatsky-Jarman. On Saturday, the two of us headed for the Saxo Grammaticus Room at the Bella Center where four business leaders recounted their experiences in moving their companies toward sustainability, and more climate-friendly practices…

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Photo from Saturday’s Candlelight Vigil in Copenhagen

Candlelight Vigil (photo by Carl Ganter of USCAN) as part of the 40,000 strong march on December 12 for a climate change agreement. The faith-based contingent was sent off with a rallying cry from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Big interfaith service…

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Youth Rocks at Climate Talks

Bill and Carol Somplatsky-Jarman are attending the United Nations Climate Change talks in Copenhagen with the World Council of Churches delegation and will be sending updates that will be posted on Eco-Journey and the Mission Crossroads website. Bill is the…

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