Posts Categorized: Current Affairs

Blue or Green? COP Zones

For those not familiar with the UNFCC and COP structure and process, the language to talk about the event can be confusing. Even our delegation is learning there’s always so much to learn at every new new COP since they are held each year in a new country! One thing they have in common is… Read more »

COP28 in the news

There are lots of stories in the news right now about the happenings of COP28 in Dubai. Here are five that caught our attention today! 1) Over 40 million health professionals demand bold health and climate action at COP283 December 2023, Dubai, United Arab Emirates: A group of doctors and nurses gather to speak up… Read more »

WCC general secretary: “We have to speak up for justice”

Group Photo In a sermon during an ecumenical service at COP28, World Council of Churches general secretary Rev. Prof. Dr Jerry Pillay set the tone for faith-based involvement: churches must speak and act for climate justice. “There are many crying out to be heard, to be considered, to be cared for and loved,” said Pillay. “Yet we continue… Read more »

COP28 Unveiled: Uniting, Acting, and Delivering in Dubai

by Christina Cosby, Domestic Policy Representative in the Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness The mantra “Unite. Act. Deliver.” grounds UN Parties and Observers alike as COP28 kicks off in the heart of the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Dubai’s Expo City. Today marked the beginning of our COP28 experience. in line to retrieve our… Read more »

Will world leaders at COP28 care for Creation?

The UN climate summit, COP28, is just beginning. Over the next two weeks world leaders will take decisions which will affect our future. As Christians, we believe that we have duty to care for Creation as we should care for our neighbors and ensure that hope is kept alive. I do hope that world leaders… Read more »

A Prayer for COP28

The 2023 UN Climate Change Conference will be held from November 30-December 12, 2023 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Presbyterian delegation will be there to add their voices to others of faith in calling for real and meaningful climate action. Please join us in prayer for COP28- Good and gracious Creator God,… Read more »

Pope Francis Releases New Encyclical on Climate: Laudate Deum

Laudate Deum Word Cloud red and yellow words on black background Post written by by Becca Edwards and originally appeared on Pope Francis’s recent encyclical on climate, Laudate Deum, was released October 4. Laudate Deum serves as a follow-up to his earlier encyclical, Laudato Si. The timing of the release of this encyclical suggests that the Vatican hopes to influence the outcome of the upcoming United Nations… Read more »

Saving the Wild Coast: Turning the Tide on An Oil Leviathan

Two hands breaking free with text No climate Justice without Human Rights It’s so easy to center ourselves and our own needs, in ways that cause us miss how God and the universe are working together to make divine connections. As I traveled to COP27 earlier this week, I felt a bit disgruntled to learn that the airline had switched my seat and I’d be spending my… Read more »

Presbyterian Leaders Join Call for Higher Ambition at COP27

Several members of the PC(USA) joined faith leaders from around the world today to call for bold, ambitious decisions on the part of world leaders. Billed as the Implementation COP, these negotiations have stalled, with the consequences of inaction being dire. See the full statement below. Faith leaders urgent call for higher ambition at COP27… Read more »

Caretakers of Everything: Indigenous Wisdom

Indigenous communities have a wealth of knowledge that can make climate change mitigation and adaptation more effective. We just have to listen. Jack Collard, Director at Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander International Engagement Organisation (ATSIIEO), an indigenous organization dedicated to the building of positive international partnerships for First Nation expertise, in a session on story… Read more »