Posts Categorized: Climate Change

Cop26: Gender Justice Critical for Climate Action

Worship Leaders Procession Tuesday’s  COP26 theme turns the attention toward gender. Topics today will address not only the ways in which women, girls and marginalized people are disproportionately impacted by climate change, but also the importance of their leadership and participation in driving solutions. By working collaboratively, governments, civil society, and businesses can advance gender equality in climate… Read more »

COP26 Daily Theme: Impacts of Extreme Weather

Man holding carbon sign As the second week of negotiations at COP26 begins, the theme for the day turns to the impact of extreme weather, environmental degradation and rising sea levels and what is being done – and can be done – to adapt. Research indicates that climate change could push over 100 million people into poverty by 2030…. Read more »

Cop26: Friday Update

Marchers at Cop26 gathering A week into the two-week meeting, pledges to phase out coal power, ease access for developing countries to climate financing and cut methane emissions have made headlines as the negotiations continue. Today, Friday, was “youth and public empowerment” day at COP26, with events designed to reach across generations and other lines. This youth audience was… Read more »

Peacemaker Lifts Up Importance of COP26

From an island in the Pacific Ocean, Frances Namoumou recently made a peacemaking pilgrimage to the Presbytery of the James in central Virginia. Appearing via Zoom, the International Peacemaker discussed how climate change is negatively impacting her home country of Fiji and neighboring islands in the region. As the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) takes place through Nov. 12,… Read more »

COP26: Virtual Opportunities

Youth Gather around speaker at copy As COP26 continues in Scotland we are thankful for the opportunities to follow along here at home. Presbyterians across the US have their minds and prayers turned toward Glasgow. Presbyterian Janet Cox, Founding member of the Cool Planet Group, a Ist Presbyterian Palo Alto member, the Fossil Free PC(USA) representative to Detroit and Portland General… Read more »

COP26 important for Pacific islands at the frontline of global climate change

“COP26 is important because if this doesn’t work, then we’re in serious danger. It’s already obvious that many of the targets set during the Paris agreement in 2015 have not been met,” says James Bhagwan, general secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches, with passion and sadness tinging his voice, the World Council of Churches reported…. Read more »

In Response to the UN’s IPCC Report

Golden Gate Park with orange sky background The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) sixth assessment report provides clear scientific documentation that our world is truly in crisis. While it could be easy to be overwhelmed with the weight of this heavy news, our prayer is that it can also be a source of inspiration to continue critical work and activism… Read more »

Everyday God-talk: Fair Trade and Climate

Farmer feet with Coffee seedlings Everyday God-talk returns for its first official season using the lens of Reformed theology to focus on environmental justice and climate crisis. Everyday God-talk’ will offer four different episodes encouraging those watching to contemplate the everyday realities of God’s Creation.  Each is based on the four major book titles of Calvin’s “The Institutes of the Christian… Read more »

God’s Green (and Brown) Revolution

by Jenny Holmes (reposted from Presbyterians for Earth Care blog, link below) “The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all.” —Wendell Berry Then God said, “Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds.”… Read more »

Dreaming Another World as this One Heats

Out of control fires. Hottest decade on record. Hot oceans spawning super storms. Polarized politics. Heated debates. COVID fever. Despair and hope can coexist in each of us. The partners of the Presbyterian Hunger Program, who are dreaming and building another world, give us hope every day. Visit our Food and Faith Blog to read… Read more »