Posts Categorized: Climate Change

Countdown to Copenhagen

In December international climate talks will continue in Copenhagen. The goal of this meeting is to create a new international agreement to lower greenhouse gas emissions that will replace the Kyoto Protocol when it expires in 2012. These are crucial…

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Climate and Disasters

The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs and the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre have released a report that states that in 2008, 20 million people were displaced by climate related natural disasters such as droughts, hurricanes, and…

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Cool Foods Countdown

The Center for Food Safety and Navdanya International have teamed up to create the Cool Foods Countdown to Copenhagen and Beyond. This website and accompanying monthly newsletter highlight the impact of industrial agriculture in climate change. The Intergovernmental Panel Fourth…

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New Book for Earth Care

Rebecca Barnes-Davies , former coordinator for Presbyterians for Restoring Creation, has written a new book that helps individuals and congregations protect the earth. 50 Ways to Help Save the Earth: How You and Your Church Can Make a Difference has…

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Eco-Justice in Peru

I just got home from an eco-justice study trip in Peru. The environmental issues were aplenty. The glaciers in the Andes that provide water for much of Peru are expected to disappear in 15-20 years. The arid coastal region and…

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Climate Change Legislation – Contact Your Senator

Before the summer break, the House of Representatives passed comprehensive climate and energy legislation. This is the first of four key steps to addressing climate change here in the U.S., responding to the urgent need to prevent the worst impacts…

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Online Energy Star Training Opportunity

Energy Star for Congregations, a program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, is offering a new service: the Portfolio Manager. This is an interactive, online energy management tool that lets you track how much water and energy is being used…

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