Posts Categorized: Climate Change

72% of Americans Say Climate Solutions Should be a Higher Priority

From PC(USA) partner Blessed Tomorrow: Last month, the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released their special report outlining the consequence of a changing climate, and the measures necessary to avert the most dangerous scenarios. The report is a collaborative effort of 91 authors, more than 150 contributors, and includes over 42,000 expert and government… Read more »

Climate Change Report Lays out Consequences

At the Presbyterian Hunger Program, this time of the year usually finds our attentions turned towards World Food Day and Food Week of Action. This year however, we also find ourselves focused on the report from the United Nations’ scientific panel on climate change which was released on October 7, 2018 in South Korea. A… Read more »

Serve. Guard. Protect.

The very first command addressed to humanity in the entire Bible is to “be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; and have dominion . . .” (Gen 1:28). This always felt very authoritarian. No room for compassion, dignity, or respect. We see humankind displaying this type of dominion when it comes… Read more »

The Earth is the Lord’s: new policy from the General Assembly

Another new policy on engaging with issues of climate change–through preaching, embodying, advocating and proclaiming eco-justice– passed last month by the General Assembly environment committee and then by the General Assembly itself is below. In support of our congregations to preach, embody, advocate and proclaim this moral imperative, we are partnering with Blessed Tomorrow, a… Read more »

New Environmental Policies passed by the PC(USA) General Assembly

For the first time, General Assembly had an entire committee devoted to Environmental Issues. This committee learned about, discussed, and gave advise to the plenary around topics such as: environmental racism, preaching and teaching about climate change and other environmental concerns, the Precautionary Principle, carbon pricing (fee and dividend), and the most debated and crucial… Read more »

Faith Advocates React to Paris Agreement Decision

Voices from people of faith in the United States as well as around the world continue to support climate change policies and particularly the Paris Agreement. These strong statements come in the aftermath of  President Trump’s announcement in early June that he would pull the U.S. out of the international agreement. An article published by… Read more »

Executive Order Dismantles Climate Protections

The General Assemblies of the Presbyterian Church (USA) for decades have passed policies that share concern for God’s creation, our obligation to be good stewards of the natural world, and our role in reducing energy dependence, promoting renewable and sustainable energy use, and otherwise caring for the earth. In the last few months, President Trump… Read more »

Reflections on Climate Talks in Marrakech

By Bee Moorhead, Executive Director of Texas Impact and Presbyterian representative to the United Nations climate talks in November 2016   So much has happened since November, it’s hard to imagine that just eight weeks ago I was in Marrakech, Morocco, watching as world leaders discussed next steps in the international effort to limit and… Read more »

Faith Groups Present Ecumenical Patriarch Statement to COP 22

Photos and content provided by Rev. William Somplatsky-Jarman, former Coordinator for Mission Responsibility Through Investment and long-time member of the WCC presence at United Nations COPs. Bill is reporting from the UNFCCC COP22. Yesterday in Marrakech, Morocco, as the United Nations’ Framework Convention on Climate Change’s Conference of the Parties (COP) 22 nears an end,… Read more »