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Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries

The PC(USA)’s Evangelism Conference looks at churches’ ‘beautiful lies and ugly truths’

Fresh off being announced Monday as the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s new director of Racial Equity and Women’s Intercultural Ministries, the Rev. Shanea D. Leonard delivered the first two of three keynote addresses at the Evangelism Conference being held through Tuesday at Montreat Conference Center and online. The conference theme is “Addressing Harm, Embracing Hope.”

Three Women of Faith to be honored during an online ceremony Nov. 3

Since 1986, the office of Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries along with Presbyterian Women has been awarding church and community leaders with the Women of Faith Award. This year, awardees have been selected by a committee for their faithful witness, service and leadership.

Dr. William Yoo, a seminary professor and author, helps the PMA Board take an honest look at Presbyterian complicity in slavery and anti-Black racism

In the first paragraph of his new book “What Kind of Christianity: A History of Slavery and Anti-Black Racism in the Presbyterian Church,” Dr. William Yoo includes this question first raised by the Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon:  “Where was the Church and the Christian believers when Black women and Black men, Black boys and Black girls, were being raped, sexually abused, lynched, assassinated, castrated and physically oppressed? What kind of Christianity allowed white Christians to deny basic human rights and simple dignity to Blacks, these same rights which have been given to others without question?”

Outreach effort brings hope to Native American communities

For the greater part of a decade, Gloria Klomsten has been traveling to the Pine Ridge Reservation in southwestern South Dakota to spread love to Native American communities while working hand-in-hand with mission partners, such as Southminster Presbyterian Church in Waukesha, Wisconsin.

Program emphasizes importance of respite for Hispanic pastors

Taking a break from pastoral responsibilities is sometimes easier said than done. With that in mind, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been offering a four-week program called “Learning to Live into the Rhythms of Sabbath” for Hispanic Latine pastors.

Katie Cannon Scholarship recipients announced

Eleven outstanding women have been selected to receive scholarships in memory of renowned Presbyterian scholar and pioneer the Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon.