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presbyterian world mission

Mission leaders meet to talk about being thoughtful travelers during mission trips

As travel restrictions begin to loosen worldwide and churches start thinking about long- and short-term mission trips, a group of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission leaders, World Mission staff and mission co-workers joined together on Zoom Wednesday night to talk about how to be thoughtful travelers when visiting global partners in the aftermath of the pandemic.

Refugees ‘just want to go home’

Asked during Monday’s Between Two Pulpits broadcast to discuss the need that’s on the hearts and minds of people around the world — the care and safety of millions of Ukrainian refugees and displaced people — Susan Krehbiel said what we often forget is that those who have fled the fighting “just want to go home. In these early days of war, people want to stay as close to home as possible. Once you are separated, it can be really hard to be reunited.”

March 15 webinar will examine the human rights situation in Israel-Palestine

The Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.),  the Office of Public Witness and Presbyterian World Mission will host a webinar at noon Eastern Time on March 15 titled “Israel/Palestine:  A discussion with human rights experts — is this apartheid?”

To market, to market!

Although God’s house may be no place for vendors, that’s not to say that there’s no room for God in the marketplace.

‘Our earnest desire is that you come and visit’

When individuals and small groups are ready once again to travel to places like Guatemala to learn about and walk alongside that nation’s welcoming people, CEDEPCA, the Protestant Center for Pastoral Studies in Central America, is ready to handle all the details and deepen visitors’ experience.