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presbyterian world mission

Presbyterian World Mission’s Myanmar webinar series resumes

The second installment of a video/webinar series highlighting the Christian mission in Myanmar (formerly Burma) resumes at 6 p.m. Eastern Time on Wednesday. An ecumenical prayer service commemorating the violent regime change in 2021 will broadcast live on the World Mission Facebook page.

PC(USA) delegation to make solidarity trip to Eastern Europe

A Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) delegation will travel to Eastern Europe this month in a show of solidarity with people in and near Ukraine as the war with Russia continues to create death, destruction and displacement.

The Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell, the former director of Presbyterian World Mission, shares how congregations can decolonize mission efforts

Together with the Rev. S. Balajiedlang Khyllep, a colleague at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s World Mission Initiative, the Rev. Dr. Hunter Farrell has written a book to help congregations decolonize their mission outreach. Farrell, the former director of Presbyterian World Mission, was the recent guest of the Presbyterian Foundation’s the Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty on the broadcast “Leading Theologically.” Listen to their half-hour conversation here or here.

Peace & Global Witness Offering benefits Lesvos Solidarity in its mission to promote dignity and protect the human rights of refugees and migrants

Wandering the streets of Athens with two small children in tow, Fatima had nowhere to turn. Left homeless following a massive fire that closed the Moria Refugee Camp in 2020, the native Afghani was arrested and imprisoned after unknowingly becoming involved with drug dealers. Devastated and alone in a Greek prison — her two little ones sent off to a shelter for unaccompanied children ­— Fatima may as well have been invisible, until her case was supported by a refugees legal aid organization, which referred her cause to Lesvos Solidarity.