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mccormick theological seminary

Both midwife and hospice chaplain

As a member of Generation X and the person who runs an organization helping seminaries provide great theological education, the Rev. Dr. Frank Yamada said he sees himself as someone who’s present during both the first and last breaths of ministry — as both midwife and hospice chaplain.

Gelling too soon

In Gail Godwin’s book “The Finishing School,” which features an older woman and a 14-year-old girl, the woman tells the girl she can tell by looking whether a person has congealed. That person will have no more surprises, the woman tells her young friend, and to avoid the trap she must constantly be on guard against gelling too soon. It’s a valued vignette in one of the Rev. Dr. Lib Caldwell’s favorite books.

Hugh Fleece Halverstadt, an expert on managing church conflict, dies at 81

The Rev. Dr. Hugh Fleece Halverstadt, one of theological education’s foremost experts on managing church conflict, died April 14 at The Pines continuing care community in Davidson, N.C. Described by his former colleagues at McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago as good-humored, wise, supportive and always authentic, he was 81.

‘All God’s children deserve to be counted’

As she pursues a second graduate degree, Beth Truett of suburban Chicago is keen on convincing faith communities that they should partner with the United States Census Bureau as it fulfills its constitutional mandate during 2020 of counting every single resident of the United States.

Theological education leader Joyce C. Tucker dies

The Rev. Dr. Joyce Cummings Tucker, a Presbyterian pastor, author, and prominent leader in theological education, died Friday, July 12, in New York City following a short illness. She lived in Princeton, N.J.