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louisville presbyterian theological seminary

Let’s talk technology!

New Castle Presbytery has created NCPtechtalk, a new Google Group to collaborate on issues of a technical nature during this time of virtual church and beyond. The presbytery consists of 49 Presbyterian communities in Delaware and the Eastern Shore of Maryland, some fairly new and others well into their fourth century. 

What is white supremacy theology?

In the midst of the deadly attack on the United States Capitol Jan. 6, people saw images such as a cross, flags including one that read “Jesus is my savior, Trump is my President,” signs such as “Hold the line patriots God wins,” and religious messages scrawled on a gallows erected at the Capitol.

Louisville Seminary students establish Gayraud Wilmore Society of Black Seminarians

For Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Black History Month kicks off with the establishment of a new student organization. The Gayraud Wilmore Society of Black Seminarians (SBS) centers the distinct voices of the seminary’s Black students by providing a sacred and unified space that uplifts Black community, cultural experiences, social connections, mental health, and the academic support of the Black student body at Louisville Seminary.

Giving generously in their golden years

Behind the admittedly corny saying that graces many a collectable coffee mug, “Ministers never retire, but are simply put out to pastor,” there lies a grain of truth — retiring church workers face some very real challenges.

Expanding the narrative: Women and the Reformation

On the premier edition of season two of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) online show “Just Talk Live,”  Presbyterian women who participated in new video series from Theoacademy on Expanding the Narrative: Women and the Reformation” described why this project is so important to them.