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louisville presbyterian theological seminary

Louisville Presbyterian Furlough Home receives a proper send-off

For more than a half-century, the Louisville Presbyterian Furlough Home has been a place of respite for more than 350 mission co-workers working overseas in World Mission for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Whether the country where they walked alongside their partners was undergoing civil strife or they just needed a few weeks to recharge after years of work in the mission field, Furlough Home, on the campus of Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, provided them a safe, quiet and welcoming haven.

An inconvenient truth

In episode two of the first official season of Everyday God-talk, host So Jung Kim uses the lens of Reformed theology to face what she calls “an inconvenient truth.”

Everyday God-talk reimagined

Everyday God-talk returns for its first official season using the lens of Reformed theology to focus on environmental justice and climate crisis.

‘Oneness signals solidarity, not sameness’

When the Apostle Paul quoted what may well be Christianity’s first creed in his letter to the Galatians, he boldly proclaimed that all baptized believers are God’s children: “For you are all children of God in the Spirit There is no Jew or Greek; There is no slave or free; There is no male or female. For you are all one in the Spirit.”

Leading the PC(USA) from a world away

Just when most young people were beginning to imagine what nontraditional instruction might look like during COVID-19, Sami Han set about picturing an even more nontraditional path. She moved to South Korea with her parents.

Six things to do right now to be a better ally

Dr. Shannon Craigo-Snell literally co-wrote the book on becoming an ally in the struggle for justice. So when she states that’s easier said than done for white people trying to be allies with their siblings of color — as opposed to straight people looking to do something similar for their LGBTQ+ siblings — it’s time to take notice and take action.