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Kentucky Supreme Court rules in defamation case

The Kentucky Supreme Court today ruled to send back to a lower court a defamation case filed by a former employee against the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). In a 4–3 ruling, Kentucky’s highest court returned the case — filed by former Presbyterian Mission Agency employee the Rev. Eric Hoey — to Jefferson Circuit Court to determine whether it is a matter for the Church to decide or whether the case should be tried in civil court.

Mission Agency’s General Counsel announces retirement

Martha Clark has announced her retirement from the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Clark serves as the General Counsel for the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) and Office of the General Assembly (OGA), as well as the General Assembly, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) A Corporation, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Investment and Loan Program Inc. (PILP), Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Inc., Presbyterian Mission Agency Board and Committee on the Office of the General Assembly.

Iglesias presbiterianas tienen esperanza en los esfuerzos por acoger y dar la bienvenida a los refugiados

Mientras que la Casa Blanca y los tribunales luchan por la legalidad del veto de refugiados y viajeros de siete países, las iglesias presbiterianas alrededor de los Estados Unidos todavía esperan una solución rápida. La orden ejecutiva que prohíbe a los refugiados y viajeros de países predominantemente musulmanes ha generado una fuerte reacción en ambos lados del asunto.

Presbyterian churches hold out hope in efforts to host and welcome refugees

While the White House and the courts battle over the legality of the travel ban on refugees and travelers from seven countries, Presbyterian churches across the U.S. are still hopeful for a quick resolution. The executive order banning refugees and travelers from the predominantly Muslim countries has drawn strong reaction on both sides of the issue.

From blacksmiths to lawyers, professional services are in demand at Standing Rock

The recent altercation between water protectors and law enforcement at Standing Rock proved the value of having professionals on site. Lawyers and medical personnel have been busy the past few days dealing with the legal and physical issues around Sunday night’s confrontation and the use of tear gas, rubber bullets and water cannons.

PC(USA) issues updated guidelines on election activities for religious organizations

The legal counsel of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has issued a set of guidelines for pastors, congregations and mid-councils during the election season. As tax exempt organizations, the guidelines prohibit PC(USA) entities from campaigning for or against a candidate but allows promotion of or lobbying for or against issues.