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compassion peace & justice

PC(USA) and other faith groups call for UN human rights inquiry in US

Global Christian leaders, including the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, called on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) to create a Commission of Inquiry into the death of George Floyd and systemic racism and police brutality in the U.S. and other parts of the world in a statement that did not mince words.

COVID-19 helping to fuel global hunger

With the coronavirus continuing to infect scores of people daily worldwide, the number of people experiencing acute hunger is expected to skyrocket globally, and some partners of the Presbyterian Hunger Program say the economic ramifications of the pandemic already are hurting the ability of people around the globe to feed themselves and their families.

‘A virtual choir of international peacemakers’

Beth Mueller got a note from a man who saw the virtual choir of international peacemakers video she created for the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program and had a question. “He wanted to know how we got all those people from around the world to sing at the same time on Zoom,” Mueller said, laughing.

Domestic violence focus of final gun violence webinar

A little under a year after it launched, the Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s gun violence prevention webinar series concluded Tuesday afternoon with a discussion about domestic violence.